Two group finals tonight! I expect Sweden to win their game and actually a Latvian victory against us.
Canada-USA is just impossible to predict. If USA would've beaten us I believe Canada after the Latvia game would've ben victorious but now...USA are humbled as well.
I don't know about the quarters really... Some say Sweden in a final makes Finland perform at their best but in a quarter? Also, even if the Czechs are really good I can't state anything else than Sweden being the best in that group and that they worry me the most. No matter the end result in tonights game. ASP is just a monster and will punish any team in PP. And the fact they have like 4 D's being amongst the 10 best in the whole tournament while we have none.
Soini impressed me but has played one game in this tournament so far. Sweden also have two good goalies.
Their stars have delivered so far as well. Sörum being a lot better than say Kiiskinen. Willander being just as good as ASP if not better. Them two combined give you 2 PPG, amongst D's? Crazy good.
On the other hand, playing against Slovakia gives med bad vibes as well. This team hasn't convinced and not being underdogs would probably only hurt this team because I don't trust Kiviharju nor Helenius so far. I also could visualize a game that doesn't suit Rimpinen. Not getting hot and then getting a PK and punished by Dvorsky who has a great shot and is one of the biggest stars in this tournament. Actually performing compared to Helenius.
They also have two decent goalies, good PP with Strbak, Radivojevic, Dvorsky and Pekarcik.
But of course, Finland "Should" have a lot more depth than Slovakia this year.
The Czechs then... I don't know here. They would be favorites against us but I think I prefer them the most in a quarter. Some players participated last year and they should have want revenge. Halttunen being one of them, Helenius and so on.
Also, Czechs have played really well but at the same time? Not having all their best D's? And performing so good... Makes me wonder, have they done a classic old school Sweden? Performed their best at the group stage? They are of course a lot better than Slovakia and have a lot more depth as well. Ande ven if Stancl Mastalirsky have been great so far I also feel like Sale could have another gear left in him as well.
Tough one, but I still think I rather be a underdog against them than being a small favorite against Slovakia.
Regarding the Finnish team then: Halttunen frustrates me. He's competing. Not necessarily bad or good. I still like his effort. But... His shot! Gives me such Kemell vibes from some tournament. I don't give a rats ass about his shot power. He misses the net too often. It's like he only focuses on shooting hard and with will.
No matter his performances in this tournament, for his own sake I hope focuses on mimicking Laine (impossible of course, currently probably one of the 5 best shots in the NHL). Focusing on the accuracy further on and trains repeatedly on that because I honestly believe that will be the most important factor in the end. If he'll be a top9 and PP player or not making it at all.
Uronen then, clearly skilled in the offense but does he play a winning game? Not convinced yet.
Alasiurua, our best player in every game. More or less. Love him.
Rimpinen, perhaps one of the 3 best individuals in the whole tournament together with ASP (or actually the majority of the Swedish D), McKenna, Dvorsky, Sörum and Stancl. I love Rimpinen. No pressure on him, he's already saved our asses a couple of times.
Nurmi skates like Hagelin but has never developed anything worth mentioning production wise. I Balme KooKoo a bit as well. neither him or Väsiänen took enough steps during the years there. Hope can be important for us with effort and work rate.
Helenius really underwhelming. Kiiskinen the same. Notice, the expectations before the tournament are just as relevant as their actual performances so far.
Miettinen, I like him. Simple.
Hynninen was better against the US and gives me the feeling that he's our second best player after Alasiurua right now.
Kumpulainen, has been better than Helenius and Kiiskinen imho.
Hemming? Just bench him already or wake him up. He's clearly this years Järventie so far. Not been decent in any kind of way. Neither effort or skill wise.
Kiviharju, very bad when defending. I don't trust him so far.
Pieniniemi good offensively but again, don't trust him when defending and especially not together with Kiviharju.
Rautiainen has blew a couple of chances in the early games. Tough start but not necessarily bad in the games like say Hemming.
Ruohonen, hmm... He missed his guy when the US scored their 3-3 equalizer. He's not noticeable in offense so therefor I expect more. He if anyone should be a guy who doesn't let those easy goals against us when on ice, otherwise he's loses his meaning quite frankly.
Saarelainen has been a letdown after being a personal favorite and surprise after seeing last years u18.
Soini really took his chance last game. They added one right handed D instead of the only one before him, lol.
So, that's all for now. Not all players mentioned but a couple. Happy new year ya' ll!
Still expecting more from Helenius. He's been pretty good, but I think he could be better.
First time I've read something a bit too forgiving and optimistic from you. Jokes aside. I'm actually disappointed with him. Hynninen has clearly been better for me.
Helenius should be able to be on say Dvorskys level and have the same importance for his team.