I'm not bothering to read through the rest of the thread, so apologies if any of these points have already been made.
I don't get it. What is the OP's overall point?
Are you arguing that this team is as good as or just slightly worse than the 11-12 team?
This team has less goals for. More goals against. Worse record. If you're trying to use stats to make your argument, they don't paint the picture it seems like you're trying to paint.
Are you arguing that the people saying the D would be "exposed" when Torts left were being hyperbolic?
The people making that point (I was one of them - though not as definitively as you have framed it here), weren't making the point that this team would completely collapse defensively. Instead, the point was that they didn't believe that a more "open" system would lead to a better result because they believed an increase (if any) in offense resulting from such a system would likely bring with it tradeoffs on defense -- assuming all things being equal between the two coaches' teams (meaning similar personnel and performance among the individual players; which obviously hasn’t been the case).
This team's goals against increased. The goals for decreased. If anything - solely based on the stats - that is movement in the wrong direction.
I didn’t buy this – but for those who thought “anything but Torts” would open up the offensive flood gates: Despite having one of the deeper, and more offensively talented teams, in terms of individual personnel, of the past several seasons, this year’s team has had the worst goals for of any team since ’09-’10.
And this coming from you is pretty ironic. You, who rides Hank the hardest of almost anyone on these boards, are ignoring the fact that Hank just happened to have one of the worst starts to the season of any of the past several years? And that this just happened to occur in the year that the team changed coaches and systems – and changed to one that led to Hank seeing more high-quality chances against each game? This isn’t a dig against Hank. But if he sees more quality chances, he’s going to give up more goals. I don’t care how good he is. This shouldn’t be surprising. And the offense didn’t improve enough (read: over the whole season, at all) to make up for that. Hence, still a 5/6/7/8 seed playoff bubble team.
With your “disregard the 10 worst game sample” argument, are you seriously saying the teams of the last few years never had any similar adversity to overcome? Do we have that poor of a memory?
The 11-12 team lost Staal for a huge portion of the season. Same for the 12-13 team. The 12-13 team was playing in a bastardized season, with zero training camp and a hugely overhauled roster (saying nothing of how ****** that roster was by comparison). Did many of the 12-13 team’s players not have a new system to learn and new teammates to get used to? And that 12-13 team had even less time to do those things than this year’s team (which had a training camp and preseason prior to the god awful start to the regular season). The 12-13 team had a Gaborik and Richards who were playing some of the worst hockey of their careers.
I'm sure if you looked, you could find excuses for virtually any season for almost any team, why a 10 game sample should be excluded if someone buys into your argument on this point.
Are you arguing that the switch to AV from Torts was a good one?
If anything, if this team doesn’t take the next step under AV – especially with a vastly improved roster from most of the Torts teams – I see it primarily as a wash.
The main improvement I’ve seen that seems likely to have been impacted the most by the coaching change is the improvement in the power play. I’m very happy with it (despite its regression later in this season). At the same time, it didn’t lead to an overall higher goals for during the season. So, what good does that do us? And heading into the playoffs, games will be called tighter. That said, I’m still thrilled that it is no longer so abysmal that an NYR power play actually gives the other team momentum.
In my eyes - any other improvements seem more attributable to personnel on this team than anything else. Still has a ways to go to become a legit contender in my eyes; and Sather still can’t commit to a concept to build a team around, rather opting for an amalgam of roster pieces that he continually overhauls year after year in search of a team that looks attractive on paper, but just doesn’t fit together.
But sure, this team is one of the deeper and more offensively talented teams of the past several years (though they clearly still lack the finish they have for years… and its mind boggling). It's not because of AV. It’s because of the personnel. And even saying that, at best, I still don’t see them making it past the ECF. Of course, hoping to be proven wrong.