shakes the clown
Registered User
great post. Couldn't agree more. Previous casts got ripped on because they included too many strong dudes and good looking girls. Need more diversity! Now we have casts that are even less diverse. They make look more diverse, but upon closer inspection its just a collection of purple hairs, game bots and pronoun police who all share the exact same world views.Bring back villains Jeff
Survivor thrived and got where it is today on the backs of those villains.
I gotta say, this new era is really starting to drain me of the excitement i used to have with this show. I'm getting tired of listening to Jeff hype up Survivor like it is the greatest experience ever in life and you should be so grateful for this opportunity to find yourself when youre out there. We have a million confessionals throughout every season now of contestants just going on about what survivor means to them, and what its taught them. This is okay to hear every once in awhile, but when it gets forced down your throat over and over again it loses its appeal and authenticity.
I hate being a debby downer about this stuff, but it comes from a place of caring and watching this show from the beginning. Survivor is just too positive overall now. You need conflict, you need drama, you need hatred to make iconic and memorable tv. Jeff is trying to avoid all of these things at all costs.
All these seasons just blend together now. I couldnt tell you who came from what season anymore. The people being cast are just recycled architypes every year. You have to be a white collar worker or going to some ivy league school with a bunch of past trauma and an insane love for survivor to get on this show nowadays.
Sure we get a diverse cast now based on appearance, but thats the furthest from the truth when you look at the diversity of personalities.
Superfans make awful TV.
Game has gotten boring with game bots obsessed with building resumes through big moves rather than building relationships and having a social game.
It is what it is. We still watch. But, when you watch US survivor and then watch some Australia Survivor it really stands out how much better the foreign versions are.