Sub in Martinez/Greene for Muzzin/Ellerby


Registered User
Jan 23, 2013
Based on last year's playoffs, Martinez/Greene had a very successful partnership together. Muzzin/Ellerby are losing more and more ice time due to bad decision making. I think this is the best move Sutter can make for game 3. At that point, we are really only down Mitchell from last year. I'm more convinced than ever that the stronger defensive lineups on teams make a bigger difference for Stanley Cup runs. Look at all the Stanley Cup champs over the last few years. Defense is always the difference. I think it's also a huge reason why you're not seeing a lot of scoring from our forwards.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2004
I want to see Regher pulled. Not sure who should stay between Ellerby or Muzz.

Regher cant hold the point. He has ZERO offensive upside.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2013
We don't need Regehr to have offensive upside. We just need him to SHUT GUYS DOWN. Remember, last year in the playoffs we had a shut down guy with an offensive guy for each pairing and it worked great.

Ziggy Stardust

Master Debater
Jul 25, 2002
Parts Unknown
Raise of hands
Who misses DD44?

I miss Hickey. Lombardi kind of mismanaged the defense a bit. I realize they were blindsided by the loss of Greene after the first game of the season, but had they did the right thing and moved Drewiske prior to the start of the season, Hickey would be in the Kings' lineup as part of the top 6 rotation and the Kings wouldn't have bothered to acquire a player like Ellerby (unless they wanted to add him as a 7th defenseman, which he'd be adequate for).

But things like this happen when you build a championship team and have a lot of depth at one position, you have to make tough decisions and waive players you have no choice but to do so in order to give them an opportunity to play. Happened with Detroit and Kyle Quincey, now we're seeing it with the Kings. It's just that these unexpected injuries really took a toll on the team, and it would to any team that loses two of it's top shutdown defensemen.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2013
I miss Hickey. Lombardi kind of mismanaged the defense a bit. I realize they were blindsided by the loss of Greene after the first game of the season, but had they did the right thing and moved Drewiske prior to the start of the season, Hickey would be in the Kings' lineup as part of the top 6 rotation and the Kings wouldn't have bothered to acquire a player like Ellerby (unless they wanted to add him as a 7th defenseman, which he'd be adequate for).

But things like this happen when you build a championship team and have a lot of depth at one position, you have to make tough decisions and waive players you have no choice but to do so in order to give them an opportunity to play. Happened with Detroit and Kyle Quincey, now we're seeing it with the Kings. It's just that these unexpected injuries really took a toll on the team, and it would to any team that loses two of it's top shutdown defensemen.

Miss Hickey? We never even saw him play for us...

It sucks losing depth. Even more than that, I think Mitchell and Greene were providing big time veteran leadership to the team and the stability the other guys needed to flourish. Mitchell was huge for Voynov's development. Greene would block shots like crazy and also contributed some timely goals/assists.


Go Kings Go!
Feb 12, 2006
Sutter is not stupid. Greene and Martinez are probably not game ready.


Blake Out of Hell III: Back in to Hell
Mar 11, 2003
Belmont Shore, CA
Oh...should we sub in two better defensemen? That's a stroke of genius right there!!! Somebody tell Sutter in time for Game 3!!!


This is the team we have and the team that is going to have to make it happen. If either of those guys was ready to play and not be a pylon, Sutter would be playing them.

This team has elite talent up front that is no showing right now. I'm not happy with Muzzerby but there are other problems on the ranch as well and beating this dead horse isn't going to do anything.

E-mailed my friend the Ducks fan during the 2nd week of the season that this team can't win the Cup without Mitchell and Greene. Two very important players and then you toss in Martinez as well. This isn't a new revelation or anything so this team needs it's "elite" forwards to go to another level.

If Quick plays the way he has, sans the Game 1 giveaway, and our #1 center and #1 goal scorer wake up, LA can pull this out.


Registered User
Jul 21, 2008
Claremont, CA
The bulk of the scoring chances I saw for STL was during Ellerby/Muzzin's shift.

Neither one of those guys should be out there, hell I'll take a 70% Martinez and Greene over those two guys.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2007
Pasadena, ca
Bring up deslaurier, he's killing it in the playoffs in manchester :)


as one of the bigger ellerby bashers on here, i actually thought he had a solid game last night... muzzin is making fine decisions offensively but he's not looking as confident on the defensive end. Martinez has had enough time to nurse that injury that he came back from too soon. He's been sitting and watching and learning, I wouldn't want to completely stir things up. Martinez has come up big in big moments. I'd sit Muzzin for Martinez.

Hopefully the forwards can get going and finish a couple of these clear breaks that they've been getting.


Now I can die in peace
Feb 27, 2002
Based on last year's playoffs

These are the most overused words on this board, and it's been that way since the season started.

The last three Cup winners have lost in the first round the next season.

Peter James Bond

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Visit site
We need to score goals...especially 5 on 5.
I would take out King and put in Toffoli.
Toffoli scored 5 pts in 10 games with limited icetime.
He has a wicked shot and a goal scorer's touch...
and can put the puck up high - the only place we have beaten
Elliot so far!

Will give the team some life. I would even consider putting Richardson back in too, for Fraser. But Toffoli for sure.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2005
Huntington Beach, CA
If Greene/Martinez were an option they'd be playing...

That's why I said this morning that we need to pray the the home ice match up advantage helps us mask Muzzerby's weaknesses.

Also, none of us knows how close Greene, or for that matter, Martinez are to coming back. The hope is that they (or at least one of them) ARE game ready by the time a Game 5 rolls around. I feel like if Muzzerby is around for a Game 5, we'll never see a Game 7.

And I firmly believe that Muzzerby IS a large reason why the Kings are only averaging a goal a game.

And HOW the hell did Regher's name get into this??? Dude is about as far away from being the problem as is possible! :rant:

BTW, I love the name Muzzerby. Much better than Marteene! LOL.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2003
Los Angeles
Honestly, I don't get the hate for Ellerby. He's been the steadier dman of the Muzzerby/Ellerzin pairing and hasn't had any noticible mind blowing mishaps like Muzzin has. Outside of Muzzin's one hot month he's been crap.

LAX attack*

Honestly, I don't get the hate for Ellerby. He's been the steadier dman of the Muzzerby/Ellerzin pairing and hasn't had any noticible mind blowing mishaps like Muzzin has. Outside of Muzzin's one hot month he's been crap.

Yeah Ellerby has been decent and also rather physical. Muzzin is just lost, and without his offensive game there's nothing to him.

Why is he on the powerplay, I wonder


Registered User
Feb 18, 2009
Honestly, I don't get the hate for Ellerby. He's been the steadier dman of the Muzzerby/Ellerzin pairing and hasn't had any noticible mind blowing mishaps like Muzzin has. Outside of Muzzin's one hot month he's been crap.

I encourage you to re watch game 1 and focus primarily on ellerby and his breakout passes. 3 minimum big giveaways.

No comment on muzzin. I feel like he is playing scared.


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