Welcome back to Statsy's WJC Pool for an 8th amazing year! We're still awaiting a reply from a couple of regulars but they will be given until the start of the draft to show up. The draft starts at 1:00 PM EST, 10 AM PST.
The scoring system remains the same as in previous years, allowing each entrant to not only compete with the other members of the pool, but with your own previous drafts. Sorry, no goalie assists.
The Scoring System:
We will snake draft 6 forwards, 3 defensemen, and 1 goalie.
Goal = 1 point
Assist = 1 point
Win = 2 points
Shutout = 2 points
2019 Pool Standings:
Gold - Tade (50 pts)
Silver - Canada4Gold (44 pts)
Bronze - Tomsburninghat (41 pts)
4th - FightingSioux (40 pts)
5th - Khabby (35 pts)
6th - WeThreeKings (34 pts)
7th - Christien (28 pts)
8th - Statsy (28 pts)
2018 Pool Standings:
Gold - Tomsburninghat (50 pts)
Silver - Tade (47 pts)
Bronze - Canada4Gold (47 pts)
4th - Khabby (46 pts)
5th - Woodhouse (45 pts)
6th - WeThreeKings (44 pts)
7th- Statsy (40 pts)
8th- FightingSioux (30 pts)
2017 Pool Standings:
Gold - Canada4Gold (64 pts)
Silver - Tomsburninghat (54 pts)
Bronze - Tade (52 pts)
4th - Statsy (50 pts)
5th - WeThreeKings (46 pts)
6th - Khabby (33 pts)
7th- FightingSioux (31 pts)
8th- Woodhouse (30 pts)
2016 Pool Standings:
Gold - Tade (59 pts)
Silver - Khabby (52 pts)
Bronze - AwesomePanthers (48 pts)
4th - Huffman (46 pts)
5th - WeThreeKings (44 pts)
6th - Canada4Gold (40 pts)
7th - Statsy (35 pts)
8th - Tomsburninghat (33 pts)
2015 Pool Standings:
Gold - BigPapaSmurff (47 pts)
Silver - Khabby (46 pts)
Bronze - FightingSioux (44 pts)
4th - sickest flow bro (42 pts)
5th - WeThreeKings (39 pts)
6th - Statsy (35 pts)
7th - Tomsburninghat (33 pts)
8th - bottomofthefoodchain (32 pts)
2014 Pool Standings:
Gold - BigPapaSmurff (64 pts)
Silver - Statsy (55 pts)
Bronze - Khabby (53 pts)
4th - WeThreeKings (37 pts)
5th - Tomsburninghat (36 pts)
6th - sickest flo bro (36 pts)
7th - bottomofthefoodchain (36 pts)
8th - nabby12 (34 pts)
2013 Pool Standings:
Gold - BigPapaSmurff (60 pts)
Silver - Huffman (54 pts)
Bronze - WeThreeKings (53 pts)
4th - Khabby (52 pts)
5th - Statsy (50 pts)
6th - nabby12 (43 pts)
7th - Ben Dover (37 pts)
8th - Kessly Snipes (35 pts)