Gus was a horse this game, deserved to get the series clincher. Glad this series is over, that was exhausting.
Barclay Goodrow actuallyWe beat the Bolts and then Fat Pat.
Now Vinny T.
That was such a bad game lol. I can barely get myself up for the win
That being said, Boston local radio lets goooo
LOLI'm enjoying this. f*** Boston. f*** their stupid f***ing city, their stupid f***ing fans, their stupid f***ing team, their muppet coach, Marchand the absolute shitheel loser rat, Pastrnak the cherry picking loser who can't do shit in the playoffs, f*** their stupid f***ing loser fans (I think I already said that) a,dn most of all, f*** this stupid f***ing TNT broadcast.
Go home and choke on it.