Movies: Star Wars VIII The Last Jedi, for those who have seen it! (SPOILERS)

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Dubi Doo

Registered User
Aug 27, 2008
My wife and I really enjoyed the movie but we're not hardcore Star Wars or movie nerds, so we're pretty easily entertained by movies. There were a couple of corny parts like the Luke and Kylo exchange. Other than that it was some good shit.

Moon Man

Registered User
Oct 3, 2015
From the fandom. Hoping you don’t even watch them anymore so we won’t have to read your garbage.

I'm probably not going to watch the later ones (I'll probably always be a fan of the originals though, they're beyond a comprehensible amount better my opinion). Maybe on Netflix, or in a tied up gun to my head situation, will I watch these Disney ones. Watching them to me, is like having someone crapping into your mouth while another is throwing up into your eyes. Honestly though, like I said earlier, if you liked it, then I'm glad you found something that's enjoyable to you. We all have different opinions, no need to get all prickly. One man's crud is another's gold. I wish you good stayance.



A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
The story was mainly about finding a way to get away or destroy Snoke's new space ship. Rey's story was more for the overall trilogy story line.

The story was about the Resistance finding a way to survive in the face of imminent destruction. Snoke’s ship itself barely registers as an element.
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they praying for the death of a rockstar
Apr 6, 2015
Czech Republic
You want to see what SW's COULD BE? Let these people write, direct and produce a KOTOR franchise.

The Jedi/Sith would just laugh at the nonsense we've seen from Kylo and Rey. Not to mention, the only 2 folks who've had powers you'd equate to insanely powerful force users (Snoke and Luke) were killed off ridiculously.

you mention KOTOR but then post a SWTOR video? SHAME


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
IMDb scores aren’t paid reviews.

I have a feeling that the scores for the movie are going to end up at around 75% on RT and 7.5 on IMDb. It’s been going up on the latter and down on the former.

Adter 294 reviews counted and 93% Fresh score, that's mathematically impossible.


Registered User
May 5, 2014
My wife and I really enjoyed the movie but we're not hardcore Star Wars or movie nerds, so we're pretty easily entertained by movies. There were a couple of corny parts like the Luke and Kylo exchange. Other than that it was some good ****.

The funny part - I feel like that’s such a normal “star wars scene” out of all of them.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2005
To be honest - the major reason why there is a female lead has to do with marketing. Disney wanted a female lead so they would get more girls/women to go watch the movie or being interested in it. It's a money move..

The fundamental issue with this oh so very "enlightened" take is that it somehow presents casting of women in central roles as a debauched capitalism before creativity calculation, while completely ignoring that men were cast in those roles for decades for exactly the same reasons. Why do they try so hard to reach out to the audience by showing off someone they could see themselves at? Success, which in a company's case = money.

That capitalism is at fault for this "PC" reaching out doesn't make you less sexist. The complete whitewashing of the past to offer a so very poor critique of the present is, in this case, kinda textbook sexism.

Oh and the film was cool. Plot issues with some things making sense in a vacuum but off in the execution, but the characters that had to click for this movie to work - Rey/Kylo Ren and Luke - all did in a completely satisfying way in my eyes. The scene after Snoke got smoked - loved that tbh - was brilliant.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2016
I feel like the user scores will change over time. People just need to affect what happened and they’ll enjoy it more. It was a well directed film.
If you have to watch movie several times to "enjoy" it, it's just horrible. A movie like Memento actually kinda requires to see it twice, but that still is great the first time you see it. Huge plot holes is the least of this movie's problem and that's saying a lot. It's garbage and I wonder if I die of boredom to see it the second time (since I know what's already going to happen, even if there's little of that).


Registered User
Sep 25, 2017
You want to see what SW's COULD BE? Let these people write, direct and produce a KOTOR franchise.

The Jedi/Sith would just laugh at the nonsense we've seen from Kylo and Rey. Not to mention, the only 2 folks who've had powers you'd equate to insanely powerful force users (Snoke and Luke) were killed off ridiculously.

Thank you for making my day. This is what I thought the new Star Wars franchise would be like with the technology available today. You didn't get fight scenes like this in the original trilogy because they had 1970s/1980s technology so even doing 1 simple lightsaber duel was extremely expensive and difficult.

This is what is REAL Star Wars. This is what I want to see. Disney has ruined the franchise entirely. I want to see amazing lightsaber combat and use of the force. The characters we have are pathetic at best in their abilities.

I can't imagine how people can be happy with the trash that Disney is feeding us.

Star Wars: Clone Wars
Star Wars: Rebels
and 3rd party short films like these

are the best that the Star Wars universe has to offer I'm afraid. Kind of sad and pathetic that cartoon animations are better than feature film productions backed by massive amount of money. Disgrace.


Registered User
May 6, 2012
"I wanna see light sabers and BOOM BLAOW flippy action and ZOOM CRUNCH force explosion!"

You sound like a five year old. You know why Empire is universally praised? Good characters, good storytelling.

If you want wizards in space doing wizards in space crap, stick to the video games.


Registered User
May 6, 2012
I may be older than most of you. I think this is probably my #2 SW movie behind Empire. But I'll admit I may have a different view point as a parent. Not every scene in a Star Wars movie is for everyone. There are nods from many different things and sometimes maybe we need to be happy we all got something special from it and what we love about SW. The casino and mainly escape via space horse scene was not for me but my kids sure enjoyed it a lot.

Having a daughter that gets to see the main badass hero in a movie be a female is great.

The idea of your history not predetermining your future is great. It's a great message for humanity. And the scene at the end with the broom makes the SW universe feel bigger to me.

My $.02

Also a parent. Agreed with everything here.

If they clean up the Finn-Rose stuff, this is better than Empire. As it stands, a comfortable #2.


"You're a boring old man"
Jun 18, 2013
Oblivion Express
"Better than Empire"?


You mean Empire Strikes Back which is widely considered an all time great movie. One that is rated at 94% by critics on RT and 97% by the fans?

Incredible logic!


Registered User
May 1, 2011
"Better than Empire"?


You mean Empire Strikes Back which is widely considered an all time great movie. One that is rated at 94% by critics on RT and 97% by the fans?

Incredible logic!
I thought it was better than Empire too. This was an evolution to me in the series. Can't keep being nostalgic about what was made in the past. I love Empire with all my heart but this movie was incredible in my opinion. I just think there were good modern elements added to it and it didn't stick with the Star Wars norms.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2005
"Better than Empire"?


You mean Empire Strikes Back which is widely considered an all time great movie. One that is rated at 94% by critics on RT and 97% by the fans?

Incredible logic!

It would have been interesting to see those scores at the time. Pointing them out now is not only useless because they are not an interesting measure barring the trivia aspect, it's also completely irrelevant when there's 34 years between them.


"You're a boring old man"
Jun 18, 2013
Oblivion Express
I thought it was better than Empire too. This was an evolution to me in the series. Can't keep being nostalgic about what was made in the past. I love Empire with all my heart but this movie was incredible in my opinion. I just think there were good modern elements added to it and it didn't stick with the Star Wars norms.


Episode 7 was a complete rip off Episode 4...except it sucked worse.
Jedi still exist...after being told their ways should end
Luke sacrificed himself ala Obi Wan
Evil super powerful master gets owned by a much weaker "apprentice"
Rey's force abilities are stronger than Luke's were at similar ages, and Rey has received next to zero training, yet wields a light saber proficiently, among other things.
Love interests between primary characters (Rey and Ren) and secondary charatcters (Finn and Rose)....I mean its not like we haven't seen those angles before!

Want me to keep going?

These new movies are in no way groundbreaking.


"You're a boring old man"
Jun 18, 2013
Oblivion Express
It would have been interesting to see those scores at the time. Pointing them out now is not only useless because they are not an interesting measure barring the trivia aspect, it's also completely irrelevant when there's 34 years between them.

Irrelevant why? Because the fans are putting TLJ on par or even below that of Phantom Menace?

Empire is one of the greatest movies ever made, regardless of genre. Putting it in the same breath as TLJ is f***ing asinine and shameful.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2005
Irrelevant why? Because the fans are putting TLJ on par or even below that of Phantom Menace?

Because it obviously tells you nothing. It's not only that it's well documented that internet scores are wildly unreliable due to spamming/overreactions, what exactly does it tell you about the aesthetics and writing of a film?


A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
Irrelevant why? Because the fans are putting TLJ on par or even below that of Phantom Menace?

Empire is one of the greatest movies ever made, regardless of genre. Putting it in the same breath as TLJ is ****ing asinine and shameful.

Empire was received to mixed reactions. It’s only time that has turned it into one of the greatest movies ever.
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Registered User
Jun 29, 2002
Graves to Gardens
If I had voted for Empire as a kid I would have given it one star. I hated the Dagobah scenes and the fact Han was frozen and the movie ended without ever seeing him again killed me.

Watching it as a twenty something made me appreciate it brilliance. I still watch it a couple times per year as a 48 year old now
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