Online Series: Star Wars: Ahsoka (August 23rd)

I was watching the Netflix One Piece the other day and thought the guy who played Garp looks a bit similar to Ray Stevenson

They can explain that Baylon got injured while looking for whatever he was looking for and give him a half mask like Malak, Malgus, and Arcann from the Old Republic series so the difference isn’t so obvious.

Or go full mask like Vader, Starkiller, or Kylo Ren
Probably treat the switch like Dumbledore in Harry Potter and just go with it.
Baylan wasn't important enough to be a factor in the finale of season 1, so I don't see why he needs to be in season 2. It's not like the season ended on a cliffhanger involving him. Maybe Filoni was planning to have him return, anyways, but he doesn't need to. It'd be easier and safer to just drop the character and introduce a new antagonist, like C'baoth (the dark Jedi from the Thrawn trilogy).
Baylan wasn't important enough to be a factor in the finale of season 1, so I don't see why he needs to be in season 2. It's not like the season ended on a cliffhanger involving him. Maybe Filoni was planning to have him return, anyways, but he doesn't need to. It'd be easier and safer to just drop the character and introduce a new antagonist, like C'baoth (the dark Jedi from the Thrawn trilogy).
I don't think Filoni would drop a Mortis reference without it being a part of whatever story he has planned for season 2. Doesn't mean he can't call an audible of course.
Finished it last night, I thought it was pretty good. I've watched TCW but not Rebels but did research on Rebels so I wasn't lost. The Clone Wars flashback ep was amazing.

I'd rank it above Boba Fett and Mando season 3 but below Mando 1 and 2 and Andor.

The space whales and zombie stormtroopers didn't bother me as much as some (Especially given the Night Sister's involvement with the latter). Why did Enoch look like Darkseid though? That was weird.

I thought the crab people were kinda cringe at first but then I thought of South Park and it made it funny. :laugh:
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Finished it last night, I thought it was pretty good. I've watched TCW but not Rebels but did research on Rebels so I wasn't lost. The Clone Wars flashback ep was amazing.

I'd rank it above Boba Fett and Mando season 3 but below Mando 1 and 2 and Andor.

The space whales and zombie stormtroopers didn't bother me as much as some (Especially given the Night Sister's involvement with the latter). Why did Enoch look like Darkseid though? That was weird.

I thought the crab people were kinda cringe at first but then I thought of South Park and it made it funny. :laugh:

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Just watched the show and as someone who has watched only parts of S1 of the clone wars and not familiar with the character the show was ok. Im very familiar w thrawn from the star wars eu books and am wondering where theyre gonna go. The tv series and movie verse feel so vastly different and like they're 2 separate universes. The tv shows feel like theyre in the same universe as the first 6 star wars movies.

Thrawn is such a big bad guy in book lore but in cannon he couldn't have been anything to write home about because force awakens would have taken place after any fight w thrawn and the new republic is firmly in control and doing fine at the start of the movie.

I get that the last movies were made before all these new shows but they still just dont seem to fit. It would be so nice if we just ignored those movies and kept it pushing with the new shows and new movies just ignored the last movies.

Another thing, i am not a big fan of rosarie dawson. She is just so monotone and bored looking all the time. I just havent enjoyed her a ton in the marvel netflix shows, star wars, and sin city

K:facepalm:thleen kennedy
I dunno what they are smoking at Disney, they had me after two great seasons of the Mandalorian.... and now this? If I was Luke I would ask my father's space ghost why he spends more time with Ahoska rather than he and Leia?
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I dunno what they are smoking at Disney, they had me after two great seasons of the Mandalorian.... and now this? If I was Luke I would ask my father's space ghost why he spends more time with Ahoska rather than he and Leia?
Because he actually had more of a father/mentor type relationship with Ahsoka than he ever did with his own kids, who he never even knew existed until the OT?
Because he actually had more of a father/mentor type relationship with Ahsoka than he ever did with his own kids, who he never even knew existed until the OT?
Yet he wanted to unite with his kids as soon as he learned that they existed, but didn't bother to appear to Ahsoka for over 30 years.
Finally finished this (kinda liked the zombie stormtrooper bit, honestly). But overall I feel like this may be the EXACT middle point for me in terms of Star Wars stories. Not as good as the best. Not as bad as the worst. Several things I liked (RIP Ray Stevenson). Some things I didn't, but it's more nitpicky than frustrating big issue sorta things.

I'll happily watch more, but I won't exactly be counting down the days until season 2 premieres.

Lars Mikkelsen looks like Robert Patrick almost to the point of distraction for me.
“This one is Sabine. She’s a Mandalorian, so she’s really tough. But she likes art and stuff too, and she’s always changing the color of her hair. And then this one, she’s super strong, like, POW! Her name is Ahsoka and she used to be a Jedi, but not any more. They’re gonna fight Thrawn even though he’s super smart. Like, he’s the smartest guy in the world.”

Funny that both he and Kevin McKidd, who played Vorenus, went on to voice Mandalorians in Rebels.
I still think Kevin McKidd might direct an episode of Ahsoka season 2. Unless the directors have been revealed alreayd and I've missed it. He's directed several episodes of Grey's Anatomy (43 to be precise) and seems to be more and more interested in it.
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