Movies: Solo: A Star Wars Story, 25 May 2018 Release (Early reviews are in)

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A guy with a bass
Sep 10, 2004
Charlotte, NC
I liked a lot of the EU, but I will admit there is a lot of it that is horrible.

I'm happy with what is considered canon at the moment.

IIRC its:

KOTOR series
Clone Wars
The prequels
The Original Trilogy
Rebels (unfortunately)
The New Trilogy
The books associated with the new trilogy

The video games are not canon.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
I'm happy with what is considered canon at the moment.

I don't think that anything except for the three trilogies is really canon. Some people connected to Star Wars might say that something is, and some EU authors might consider the contributions of previous EU authors to be canon, but I'm sure that the folks with the final say--those in charge of the movies--wouldn't hesitate to overwrite anything if the opportunity arises. They're not, for example, going to throw out a cool idea for a movie because it contradicts something that some novelist wrote 20 years ago. The events and foundation of the three movie trilogies are the only things that are really untouchable to future creators, IMO.

The video games are not canon.

That was certainly proven when they made Rogue One. That threw out part of the plot of one of the first Star Wars games, Dark Forces, in which Kyle Katarn (the player's character) captures the plans to the first Death Star. I wanted a movie based on that game for a long time. The Dark Troopers that were introduced were also really cool and something that I wanted to see on the big screen.

Bjorn Le

May 17, 2010
Martinaise, Revachol
Details about the history of Darth Vader’s suit does not constitute world building. It’s superfluous, meaningless detail for the sake of detail. And that describes 95% of everything in the EU. The best thing Disney did was wiping it all from canon.

You can't pick one, incredibly minor aspect of the Legends EU and conclude that the EU didn't do any world building. It doesn't describe 0.000001% of the EU.

Yeah, the vast majority of the EU is pretty bad... and I say that as someone who read a huge amount of it and enjoyed every minute of it. Most of it is guilty pleasure kind of material. There is definitely some great stuff in there though.

It can't be bad if you enjoyed it. And post Battle of Endor EU stories are far more interesting and realistic than what Disney has done so far.

I liked a lot of the EU, but I will admit there is a lot of it that is horrible.

I'm happy with what is considered canon at the moment.

IIRC its:

KOTOR series
Clone Wars
The prequels
The Original Trilogy
Rebels (unfortunately)
The New Trilogy
The books associated with the new trilogy

Disney is silent on whether TOR is canon, and the only reason KOTOR would be canon is if TOR is. It's probably they let EA/Bioware keep making TOR because it makes a significant amount of money, and because it has no bearing on the timelines Disney wants to explore (they don't seem interested in any stories that occur much past the decades prior to the Clone Wars).


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
Disney is silent on whether TOR is canon, and the only reason KOTOR would be canon is if TOR is. It's probably they let EA/Bioware keep making TOR because it makes a significant amount of money, and because it has no bearing on the timelines Disney wants to explore (they don't seem interested in any stories that occur much past the decades prior to the Clone Wars).

Yeah, I doubt that they're canon, but Lucasfilm/Disney probably isn't keen on stepping on them by saying so and/or re-writing their history, since they might still be money makers in the future. Why shoot yourself in the foot when a KOTOR 3, for example, is possible?

Darth Bane is canon

Is that anything like "Mike Richards is cannon"?

Bjorn Le

May 17, 2010
Martinaise, Revachol
Yeah, I doubt that they're canon, but Lucasfilm/Disney probably isn't keen on stepping on them by saying so and/or re-writing their history, since they might still be money makers in the future. Why shoot yourself in the foot when a KOTOR 3, for example, is possible?

Is that anything like "Mike Richards is cannon"?

Darth Bane was in the Disney sanctioned animated series (I believe it was Clone Wars but I'm not sure), so he's definitely real canon. But Karpyshyn's trilogy is not canon, and it's unclear how much of the new bane will be Legends Bane. Disney doesn't have any interest in visiting the time frame (in fact, it wouldn't be a horrible idea for Disney to re-canonize everything 100 BBY and older and republish it to make money), but they hired Timothy Zahn who created Thrawn and wrote some of the best books in the EU to recreate a series of Thrawn books and backstory for the new EU. In which Thrawn is characterized identically to how he was in the old EU. So maybe Bane will get the same treatment.

Similarly, Revan was also supposed to be in, but it seems like the writer wanted to use him in a way that contravened his depiction in the games (as an evil character rather than the correct depiction as someone who fell to the dark side for grey reasons and was subsequently returned to the light), and they decided not to do it.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
It's too bad for Disney that the Super Bowl is on NBC this year. They wouldn't have had to pay anything for the ad if it were on ABC.

I also see this as a move to bolster Maze Runner ticket sales. Interestingly, Maze Runner is from 20th Century Fox, so this might be one of the first public things to follow from the merger.

Anyone know what "placed, not attached" means in that tweet with respect to Maze Runner? Anyone know the difference.

I don't know, but my wild guess would be that "attached" means that every copy of Maze Runner will have it, and "placed" means that only some copies will. That's just a guess, though.

Bjorn Le

May 17, 2010
Martinaise, Revachol
It's too bad for Disney that the Super Bowl is on NBC this year. They wouldn't have had to pay anything for the ad if it were on ABC.

I also see this as a move to bolster Maze Runner ticket sales. Interestingly, Maze Runner is from 20th Century Fox, so this might be one of the first public things to follow from the merger.

I don't know, but my wild guess would be that "attached" means that every copy of Maze Runner will have it, and "placed" means that only some copies will. That's just a guess, though.

Well, they would have, it would have just meant another Disney property was profiting.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005


Pseudo Intellectual
Aug 2, 2005
Seems like an odd way to premier the trailer. How many people care about Good Morning America these days?

The Super Bowl would have been the obvious choice.


Pseudo Intellectual
Aug 2, 2005
I forgot that Disney owns ABC. Debuting it this way is free probably. A Superbowl ad is like 5M for 30 seconds.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
Also it doesn't matter where/when it is actually debuted.

I suspect like many others, the day the Infinity War trailer came out I looked at my phone when I woke up, saw that it had been debuted, and went straight to YouTube.

I think Marvel can safely sit out the Super Bowl at this point...they don't need it to build hype.
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