Social Media Septic Tank Thread part 2

In 14 years of doing it, do you think he knows by now what the best indicator of future (pro) success is?


Kurz also thinks the Sharks demise was that they lost a key locker room leader in Pavelski. Not the more logical thing like the age curve & economics of the sport caught up to their team/core after a long period of success. While Pavelski still a really good player in his older age jumped to an upstart team that was just taking over for their previous older core.

That’s probably why he wanted the Flyers to take on a 33 year old JT Miller with five years left on his contract.
Well at this point York is probably their best defensemen. I don’t really see that changing soon given Sanheim’s age & what else is on the team/in the system.

Andrae has put up impressive underlying numbers this year but his size will probably always be held against him.
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In 14 years of doing it, do you think he knows by now what the best indicator of future (pro) success is?


Remember when there was constant good old fashioned friction between a pro team and its media? That pro team pissed off some writer was critical, or might reveal something scathing… Replaced by cheerleaders. Entire 1 hour podcasts devoted to propping up every franchise decision

Constant excuses... Always gotta wait another X months for the real Danny-the-GM stuff to kick in...

There isn’t anything that indicates Briere isn’t operating under his own plans, with the tutelage of Humpty Flahrsy. The “rebuild” started before Fletcher was canned — they really haven’t changed course. Hell, they’ve improved in the standings.

The brain rotted statements Briere makes are his own. The player evaluations are his own. The trades are his own. He misunderstands basic basic managing principles.

Briere probably thinks he’s the smartest GM in the league. The Dunning-Kruger effect is so strong with him, he not only thinks he’s a better GM than Tulsky, he thinks he knows more than him about nanotechnology.
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