Guess this is as good a place as anywhere lol
Who was the Eyssimont stan on here again?
So is this simply a reward for great performance, or, does Bowness have designs on moving some pieces around to somehow stimulate scoring?
For me, the only guy currently who shouldn't be on the NHL roster is Toninato. It's somewhat unfair as he only had one game, but to me it was almost shocking just how far below the mark he is today now that we have guys like Gagner, Big Sak and Thor in the bottom 6.
For shits and giggles I might have him draw in in the top 6 to see if he can translate some of his mojo to that group:
Perfetti Scheifele Wheeler
Connor Dubois Essiymont
I know people are loathe to have Wheeler and Scheifele together again but I think with the reduced shift lengths and their familiarity it could go really well. Besides that Perfetti could make his sweet sweet dishes to Scheifele
Connor and Dubois are a known entity, and who knows, maybe Mikey can play off that a bit???
Probably a crazy idea