Poor Gemma first and foremost. I mean all the suffering. The straight up torture. Being kept from her husband for two years. Reuniting with him and watching him run off with another woman after a heartfelt and cathartic reunion. Like I get why i!Mark made the decision to stay behind. It makes a lot of sense even if he either doesn't appreciate the consequences or doesn't care. But watching Gemma scream after Mark wasn't just heartbreaking, it was kind of horrifying.
From a practical sense, if Gemma manages to escape Lumon HQ on her own...which isn't remotely guaranteed (I mean she has to run up the stairs, out the lobby, across the parking lot (unless Cobel and/or Devon are out there waiting to grab her and Mark) and down a long road) she is going to need to immediately go into hiding. And then what? Do they have Gemma be the ultimate whistleblower? Does that risk Lumon possibly killing Mark? Maybe the conflict is supposed to be trying to delicately fight a cold war with Lumon with blackmail to somehow get Mark out while Mark's innie has no intention of leaving. Really struggling to think how something like that can play out.
Mark and Helly seem poised to try some kind of innie revolt. How that plays out? Couldn't tell you. Realistically Lumon would come down on Mark hard. Helena does not go back down as Helly ever again. Mark is never allowed to leave the testing floor. The only way it doesn't happen is if they manage to rally the entirety of the severed floor to resist Lumon and protect them. Some people are theorizing that Helly on the floor as Helena again but I don't really buy it. It would be a hell of a twist though.
Like...Cobel got her revenge...somewhat. She severely interfered with Lumon's plans but couldn't she be the whistleblower to bring down Lumon on her own? She can't get her job back at Lumon anymore. Whether Helly was Helena or they were recording Mark and Helly at the MDR desk, Lumon will know it was Cobel. But she didn't do anything with the Severance procedure blueprints/plans. I can't see the show going to all that effort to get them only for the audience to find out that she was the inventor of the procedure.
Milchick was showing signs of rebellion but at the end of the season he's still a loyal soldier...I don't see them abandoning that development. Just have no idea now how he plays a role in helping the innies or the outies.
Does Lumon even let Helena back up? I'd assume if they do, they have to find a way to keep her from hearing Jame tell Helly that he doesn't love Helena. Unless it was Helena the whole time and she already knows. If that's the case, then does Helena somehow start f***ing things up for Lumon?
How does Lumon punish Dylan, if they can even get their hands on him now? Do they keep him on the severed floor forever and cut the salary for his family? Does he also stay on the severed floor at all times by choice? Does that somehow push Gretchen to link up with...I guess team outie?
How does Reghabi figure back in? Does Irv somehow come back?
Also, a big one I shouldn't have just thought of but they started the reintegration process with Mark, what happens if Mark and his innie fully reintegrate? What if all that coughing starts to deteriorate his health to the point that he might die?
I have to think if Gemma does make it out, she'll probably understand that Mark's innie made the choice. Not her Mark. I'll probably have more walls of text worth of thoughts but that's all I've got.
EDIT: Well I can't stop thinking about this show sooo. I'm wondering if the grand scheme solution way down the line is that no matter how hard the innies try to make a life for themselves in a severed existence by revolting/resisting against Lumon, that it doesn't work out for them and eventually, somehow and some way the solution is for the existing innies to reintegrate with their outies. Maybe that's, in a sense, missing the point which is what the episode was trying to tell us, but realistically speaking how do you get all these severed workers to stay severed without continuing things as they are (as in the typical cycle of outie goes into work becomes innie until it's time to go home). Even if Lumon gets toppled and the innies have the option to continue splitting time with their outies to co-exist, how do you guarantee that one version or the other does that for their alternate self? If Lumon falls, there's no financial incentive for the outies to keep letting their severed selves exist for chunks of the day. Innies taking over as the sole consciousness is no better than the reverse because the other version is still, effectively, dying. The only way to bridge that gap is mass reintegration. Mark's story here is a good example of these complications. Whether he is, from his perspective, justified in fighting for his own life and his love, by staying on the severed floor, especially if he's not allowed to leave, he's essentially condemning his outie to death and stripping his loved ones of him. This goes beyond the concept of ego death. Without reintegration, i!Mark is more or less murdering o!Mark at least in concept if not effect. And even if they compromise through reintegration or reintegration continues to progress for both, Mark can't be with Helly and Gemma.
Holy f*** man this episode leaves you with so much to think about, it's unreal.