OT: Sens Lounge -The four seasons edition


Registered User
Oct 15, 2018
I miss Brian Williams doing the Olympics. Scott Russell looks like an English teacher who inappropriately touches students.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 24, 2011
Or a ring road. Hunt Club could have been that to direct traffic off of the queensway.
A ring road can be useful depending on where it is located. Having one outside the city can divert some traffic around the city. It does not address rush hour traffic inside the city.

The traffic situation in Ottawa is not good IMO. I think there is a need for better wider major traffic arteries inside the city designed to handle rush hour traffic and to allow more traffic to move at a higher speed without having stop lights. There are too many bottlenecks at this time. A few more bridges to cut through the bottlenecks would help significantly.


Teflon Don
Jun 12, 2009
Ottabot City
Says who? You? If all they want is cash, they have more direct means of getting it.

Yes, speed limits are all just a global conspiracy.
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Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
I don’t really believe that speeding is a result of everyone being busy. It’s because a) cars have improved quite a bit, so people feel more comfortable driving faster and b) people are just generally more impatient (which I attribute to our “always connected” lifestyle)

I mean, if everyone was “so busy” today then streaming services would all be going bankrupt because no one would have time to watch TV.

oh, I don't think it's the only reason....but it's definitely a factor why people are so rush rush and agitated all the time right now. The thought of killing two birds with one stone by giving folks a bit more free time, and making driving a wee bit more enjoyable was my main thought here.

It is kinda funny how the no car movement is gaining steam on social media. Like the only solution is to take away something people enjoy and rely on. Very draconian, imo.

Tnuoc Alucard

Sep 23, 2015
The law specifies some requirements, true:

...but it says nothing of context. I've seen signs placed very close to the spot, to the point where a reasonable driver wouldn't have time to interpret it and adjust accordingly. I've seen them facing traffic, but hidden behind trees. The legislatory requirement is good, don't get me wrong, but those are often played to the letter and not necessarily the intent.

I’m not a big fan of photo Speed cameras.

There was one installed along Hunt Club road near Lorry Greenberg within the last year…. It was preceded with a warning sign that said one was “coming soon” months before the camera was installed. The Stretch of Hunt club between Conroy and Albion is a 60kph zone where drivers routinely drove closer to 80kph, and there was a police car with a radar routinely parked practically across the road from where the camera is now installed. So those of us familiar with the cop with a radar in that area, obeyed the speed limit as it is a sure fire way of not being ticketed.

Now the camera is pointed west, and if you’re westbound, there is a clearly displayed warning sign before you get to the camera….. I’ve not seen a similar warning sign on the eastbound side of the road, as the camera is set up to cover both directions of traffic…… plus, Waze does know of it’s presence and warns you well in advance…….

In any case, we now have to assume there are cameras in areas we are not familiar with, so keeping at the speed limit is probably wise course of action…..

I don’t remember much, if any discussion during municipal elections about any proposal to install photo speed cameras, and I think most people would see them as more of a cash grab than a safety issue…. But Red Light cameras are in my opinion 100% safety and warranted.


Teflon Don
Jun 12, 2009
Ottabot City
I’m not a big fan of photo Speed cameras.

There was one installed along Hunt Club road near Lorry Greenberg within the last year…. It was preceded with a warning sign that said one was “coming soon” months before the camera was installed. The Stretch of Hunt club between Conroy and Albion is a 60kph zone where drivers routinely drove closer to 80kph, and there was a police car with a radar routinely parked practically across the road from where the camera is now installed. So those of us familiar with the cop with a radar in that area, obeyed the speed limit as it is a sure fire way of not being ticketed.

Now the camera is pointed west, and if you’re westbound, there is a clearly displayed warning sign before you get to the camera….. I’ve not seen a similar warning sign on the eastbound side of the road, as the camera is set up to cover both directions of traffic…… plus, Waze does know of it’s presence and warns you well in advance…….

In any case, we now have to assume there are cameras in areas we are not familiar with, so keeping at the speed limit is probably wise course of action…..

I don’t remember much, if any discussion during municipal elections about any proposal to install photo speed cameras, and I think most people would see them as more of a cash grab than a safety issue…. But Red Light cameras are in my opinion 100% safety and warranted.
Isn't Hunt Club 80 in some areas?

Tnuoc Alucard

Sep 23, 2015
Isn't Hunt Club 80 in some areas?
Yes, from the 417 exit access ramps to Conroy Road, where it drops to 60kph right through until you just get past Otto’s BMW / Hunt Club Golf course area, and it’s back up to 80kph right through to the 416 and beyond…. Crazy thing is between Hawthorne and Conroy it is residential (Walled off) to the north, while travelling west, and once you get to Conroy, where is drops to 60kph , there is residential and or commercial on both sides of Hunt Club… so I assume that is the reasoning behind the decrease…..but the entire length between Hawthorne and Lorry Greenberg is walled off so it almost encourages drivers to maintain the same (80 kph) speed


Apr 27, 2010
don’t remember much, if any discussion during municipal elections about any proposal to install photo speed cameras, and I think most people would see them as more of a cash grab than a safety issue…. But Red Light cameras are in my opinion 100% safety and warranted.
I have no issues with red light cameras, but I wonder how effective they are at reducing running reds and thus improving safety. Do people intentionally run reds, and knowing there is a camera would dissuade that behavior? I guess maybe the folks who see the light turn yellow and feel they are close enough might change their decision knowing they'd get a ticket?

Oddly, a quick Google search turned up an article referencing a study that showed they saved lives but increased accidents (presumably because people were slamming on the brakes and getting rear ended instead of blowing through and getting tboned or taking out a pedestrian). I haven't read through the study, but it is an interesting case of unintended consequences.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
oh, I don't think it's the only reason....but it's definitely a factor why people are so rush rush and agitated all the time right now. The thought of killing two birds with one stone by giving folks a bit more free time, and making driving a wee bit more enjoyable was my main thought here.

It is kinda funny how the no car movement is gaining steam on social media. Like the only solution is to take away something people enjoy and rely on. Very draconian, imo.

I think a big reason is that cars are getting better and better so they can more safely do higher speeds.

The counter argument is that more and more drivers are driving distracted and for this reason, they're not raising the speed limit.

That all makes sense...problem is, if you're one of those people that don't drive distracted, it tends to just feel ridiculously slow at times. Like wide open straight roads but you're supposed to barely put-put along in a car that's capable of turning and stopping on a dime relative to the boats on the road in the 70s when the speed limits on certain roads were applied.

I get the trade off of safer cars vs more distractions...people just need to remember that not everyone drives distracted so it might seem ridiculously slow for those who are paying attention.

I also laugh at the social media movement that appears to be anti car. They're nowhere to be found in real life, as almost everyone I know has a car and makes use of it.

You have people crawling out of their 1 bedroom apartment hole downtown crying on the internet that if they can't afford a fun car, neither should you, and propose banning cars in areas or reducing lanes. They haven't got a clue of what "normal" life is like and just live in their little bubble.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
I have no issues with red light cameras, but I wonder how effective they are at reducing running reds and thus improving safety. Do people intentionally run reds, and knowing there is a camera would dissuade that behavior? I guess maybe the folks who see the light turn yellow and feel they are close enough might change their decision knowing they'd get a ticket?

Oddly, a quick Google search turned up an article referencing a study that showed they saved lives but increased accidents (presumably because people were slamming on the brakes and getting rear ended instead of blowing through and getting tboned or taking out a pedestrian). I haven't read through the study, but it is an interesting case of unintended consequences.

I definitely brake earlier at a light where there's a red light camera...or give it more gas. It can be safe but also dangerous.

Some might have just cruised through not worrying about missing the yellow by 0.12 seconds, but if there's a camera, they're going to be extra likely to mash the brake or gas to either stop at the light or make the yellow.

There's a sense of "oh shit" panick. Especially if you're just cruising along and someone in the car yells "watch out there's a red light camera!" You naturally freak out a bit lmao.

Once you know the area you're fine.

Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
I think a big reason is that cars are getting better and better so they can more safely do higher speeds.

The counter argument is that more and more drivers are driving distracted and for this reason, they're not raising the speed limit.

That all makes sense...problem is, if you're one of those people that don't drive distracted, it tends to just feel ridiculously slow at times. Like wide open straight roads but you're supposed to barely put-put along in a car that's capable of turning and stopping on a dime relative to the boats on the road in the 70s when the speed limits on certain roads were applied.

I get the trade off of safer cars vs more distractions...people just need to remember that not everyone drives distracted so it might seem ridiculously slow for those who are paying attention.

I also laugh at the social media movement that appears to be anti car. They're nowhere to be found in real life, as almost everyone I know has a car and makes use of it.

You have people crawling out of their 1 bedroom apartment hole downtown crying on the internet that if they can't afford a fun car, neither should you, and propose banning cars in areas or reducing lanes. They haven't got a clue of what "normal" life is like and just live in their little bubble.

Maybe it's because I'm older, but I think the speed limits are fine. Hell, might even be a touch high in places. And yes, distractions are a problem...like those screens now in almost every car. We don't need to act like we're piloting the USS Enterprise with all the readouts and displays. (Keep it simple, auto manufacturers.) Not to mention idiots on their phones or gobbling up a cheeseburger behind the wheel like they haven't eaten in a week.

Cars may be safer, but human reaction time and alertness aren't going to magically improve.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2008
I definitely brake earlier at a light where there's a red light camera...or give it more gas. It can be safe but also dangerous.

Some might have just cruised through not worrying about missing the yellow by 0.12 seconds, but if there's a camera, they're going to be extra likely to mash the brake or gas to either stop at the light or make the yellow.

There's a sense of "oh shit" panick. Especially if you're just cruising along and someone in the car yells "watch out there's a red light camera!" You naturally freak out a bit lmao.

Once you know the area you're fine.
Ya but what car are you buying bro?
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Registered User
Nov 25, 2020
Too bad so many bike riders ignore the rules of the road, red lights, don’t shoulder check, drive in front of cars, ride their bikes across intersections that have an advance green, ride through stop signs.

Lots of responsible bike riders, just too many dumb ones.
True, they are no better.. I posted a reply to Milkbag, but the Mods. So here is an edited version that will hopefully survive.

Cyclists can also see themselves through the lens of entitled. And yes, every transgression you list occurs. And people like myself have posted on discussion boards linked to cycling and triathlons about safety and proper conduct. And as with motorists, the yellers and screamers come out and try to shout everyone down.

But there are some very basic issues at hand. A car is 4000 lbs and can move at speeds that may reach 200 km/hr. Collision between a car and a cyclist, or a car and a pedestrian can be deadly. And so motorists must be the adults in the room and must be the ones who act and behave in a safe matter. They must respect that in the case of an accident, regardless of who is at fault, the winner and loser is predetermined.

And so motorists must bear the added responsibility of checking and double checking and acting with added caution.

Who is at fault in the event of a collision is significant in the legal courts, it is less so in the moral court and less so in the human conscious.

A cyclists or pedestrian who is reckless, can hit another cyclist or pedestrian. And unless you are traveling at 40 km/hr or faster, only minor injuries will occur. Now consider a car.

Putting make-up on in your car as you rush to work, or rush to some function, could see someone be killed. Finding yourself late and deciding a bus lane is a great way to move around 50 cars ahead of you, could see someone be killed.

Operating a motor vehicle at speeds in excess of the speed limit, elevates the chance of a mistake and reduces reaction time, which can see someone be killed.

And tragically, both motorists and cyclist are proving to be immature and not intelligent enough to see this and to act properly.

Our population is growing and showing no sign of stopping. The cost of fuel will force people to seek alternative transport means and to become more regional in terms of their daily activity. Cars, bicycles, pedestrian, e-bikes, mopeds, motorcyclist, powered and un-powered skateboards, will all have to share the roads and do so in increasing numbers.

and so, we had better learn to be more civilized, more disciplined, more aware of each other,, more respectful and more compassionate.

When we curse a policeman under our breath for giving us a speeding ticket. Or curse a politician for installing photo-radar, all we show is: we are a long way away from that second step out of the cave.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
Just did a spa yesterday for my GF's bday. I'm now officially a fan and have been told by a colleague that recommended a place called Vetta Spa north of Barrie to go to Quebec. If anyone has any suggestions, send them my way! The cold water plunge was just what I needed in 35 degree weather (could do without the sauna or steam room though)
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Registered User
Jan 4, 2014
I mean, you should only J walk if your comfortable enough to run through and not make it a close call. Otherwise use the crosswalk.

I hate when drivers slow down because they see I want to jaywalk...I'm waiting for them to speed by so I can go after them before the next car that's way back. You do you. Let me, the j walker who is agile make the adjustments and go when safe.

By the same token, all I need from drivers at a legitimate crosswalk is to stop speeding. If I can tell you're not going fast enough to kill me, I will get across my legal protected crosswalk long before you get there. If you look like you could kill me, I'm going to have to wait and you're going to have to slam to a halt right before it, wasting everyone's time.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2014
life was different in 1994, The Silent generation ran things. We had WAY BETTER Roads and so on.. They had their priorities right.

I feel like it's revisionist to claim that roads used to be in better shape. The roads were always trash. Today there's just a lot more of them, and generally higher expectations for quality across the board.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2020
I feel like it's revisionist to claim that roads used to be in better shape. The roads were always trash. Today there's just a lot more of them, and generally higher expectations for quality across the board.
Were I will disagree.

Mac, I am a cyclist. Yup one of those guys with a dicky-do and yet wears spandex.. and at my age!

in 30 years, I have seen the bulk of Eastern Ontario and done so while staring 3 feet off the ground. Now to be 100% accurate, I have cycled 90-10 around the Greater Ottawa area, than outside it.

I can attest to: the significantly more damaged roads today than in years past. In fact, you can point at 2010 as a switch over time.

I have in my possession e-mails with Councillors about the city. Even they, acknowledge road issues.

there are basic realities that exist that are being hidden from the public
1) taxes are now a dirty word and politicians do not want to even speak of them
2) government waste is at an all time high
3) our governments (all 3 levels) have used themselves as un-employment solutions for 50-60 years now. It has meant an insane payroll,. but an even more insane pension/perks/benefits commitment.

effectively since about 2000, most taxes collected pay; salaries, benefits/pensions/etc. Little is left for actual work/expenses.

Rural areas are largely neglected. Many (in Ottawa's case) suburbs becgan to appear in the mid 1990's. Making them 25-30 years old and few of their roads have been touched.

We want hockey arenas, and the government to pay for everything. It means no more dough.
Politicians want to stay elected and do so when unemployment is low to reasonable, so use money that way. Local politicians stay in office when we are distracted with sports teams, festivales and outdoor pubs.

A person born in 1920's, endured the great depresion, the world war and poverty from 1920-1950. They learned to be practical and smart and have proper priorities. They learned to be self sufficient and solve their own problems. And so if they walked on or drove on a decaying road, the next politician up for elections was as good as gone.

Today, as long as he promises us a new music festivale or a new arena, the roads can look like heck and he has nothing to worry about.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2018
Just did a spa yesterday for my GF's bday. I'm now officially a fan and have been told by a colleague that recommended a place called Vetta Spa north of Barrie to go to Quebec. If anyone has any suggestions, send them my way! The cold water plunge was just what I needed in 35 degree weather (could do without the sauna or steam room though)
Uppliva in Hintonburg is great for a quick day visit. Not a huge facility, but they have a steam room, dry sauna, cold plunge pool and a nice relaxing area.

Nordik is a classic, but often crazy busy, especially around the weekends.

Koena, just on the other side of the river, hits a decent balance between the two. Not too big, good variety of facilities, and only moderately busy if you get there at a decent time.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
How is that funny? I am seriously asking what car you are buying? Did you look at the G70? You going with Elantra N, Kona N?
Oh right! I am picking up the Kona N in an hour.

It's the only one that fits in my right garage. It has an indent and is not as long as the left side garage.


Apr 27, 2010
Oh right! I am picking up the Kona N in an hour.

It's the only one that fits in my right garage. It has an indent and is not as long as the left side garage.
I hadn't heard of Hyundai's N series until this summer and now I'm seeing it everywhere. They look pretty nice.


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