1988; 85 of us graduate from University in mechanical engineering. about 400 graduate with an engineering degree. ~ 25 graduate with a physics degree. a further 200 graduate with an applied science degree (math, chemistry, etc.)
so some 700 kids, out of some 4000 seniors.. 1 in 6.
the 4000 seniors are about 7% of all of society (Back then, today it is closer to 12%).
so in 1988, in Canada, some 20,000 people graduated with a science degree. Over 45 years, that is 900,000. Times 2 to account for an increase in education levels. You land at 1.8 Million.
Canada is 39 Million.
so a whopping 5% have a degree in a science field.
48% have no post secondary education, 50% of society has an education, but not in science and a Gluon is; your kid putting Alymers wood glue and gluing his brother's hand to the wall!!! A Boson is your neighbor who cheers for the Leafs. A spin of 1/2 or -1/2 is your washing machine. The graviton is what happens when you slip on ice.
Why do you expect society to understand?
Why do you expect society to not be fooled, manipulated, and so on?
Did you know Tarasenko has Sen in it?????? Huh, have we moved passed that one? or is it still the captivating phrase of the day!!!!
My mom was visiting some 10 years ago. An old movie is on. Roman era.. She turns to me and says 'look how they dressed back then".. I di not have the heart to tell her 'it is a movie producer's version.. the real people were very different'.. She has a grade 7 education.