Ireland and Poland have very small countries compared to Canada and have GDP's equal to that of Ontario and Quebec.
In 2023 almost 60% of Poland's energy came from coal and have started fazing it out because it's getting too costly to mine. Ireland has a population of 5.3 million and the majority of their energy comes from Wind.
China, India, and the US make up 70% of coal burners and yet don't have a consumer carbon tax. Canada still mines coal and exports most of it to Asia.
There will always be markets for energy so we should finally be taking advantage of it to benefit our country first. Fix the problems that have plagued our Country for decades and then you would see more people ready invest in a new philosophy when it comes to climate change. The only way this happens is with new money. Instead we are being forced into a corner by the people who caused the pollution in the first place and are now the ones with the solution off of our backs.
If you get on, there is a screen that allows you to see "pollution/Air Quality".. And the world over.
a value of 25 Micro g/M^3 is the cut-off limit.
Energy producing nations all blow by that and are at 400 or more. These same nations have poor health records and lower than average life expectancy.
Now if you zoom into North America, you will see, Energy producing areas "Texas/Oklahoma", Northern Alberta are all above 25 and can hit 100 or more
Further review will show you that areas in and around major cities, and downstream (air current wise) of these major population centers, also have pollution levels above 25. Some as high as 100.. Hello Toronto and all communities North and North-East of it. Essentially fossil fuel burning is killing residents of King City and the environs.
Mining, energy generation and other "dirty fuel" practices, are killing people.
When Cornwall still had a large paper mill, and Courtals and 1-2 other factories that burnt fuel and spewed toxins, it was not just 'Stink town". But Cancer town... My wife is one victim. Dead at 70, after a 7 year Cancer battle.
So, we can say "the economy" and continue to Pollute the environment. And sit back and die... Or we can start doing something concrete about it.
Do a Google search. There is a report online, done by Stats Canada in 2018 or 2019. About Cancer in Canada... By 2030, one in two Canadians will be touched by it. That does not mean, 1 in 2 will get it. It does mean 1 in 2 of us will get it, or be very close to someone that does.. You can scratch me of the list. I hit that magic number.
By 2030, a sizable chunk of the people on HFBoards-Ottawa, will come to know the second floor of the Oncology building at the Ottawa General. That is where Chemo treatment is done. That is where people who get pumped with 1-2 litres of Chemo and saline and other medicines, pees on the floor, because they can't get to a bathroom fast enough. It is also where ashen looking faces, stare at you, and stare up at God. Hoping a miracle occurs! It is where people who have reactions to chemo start screaming and crying.
It is where; no one is an atheist. No one is brave and no one gives a f*** about the economy.
It is where, the unfortunate will ring a bell, when their chemo sessions end. Thinking the nightmare is over. Only to be back 16 to 24 months later. My wife rang it 3 times. And died before she could ring it a 4th.
2030.. that is in 5 years.. Best of luck to everyone.