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Sep 22, 2008
And yes, I am a veteran hypochondriac so I know way too much about medical conditions. I read textbooks when I was younger and when the internet happened, I pretty much read about every disease out there.

I mean I'm no doctor, but I could definitely play one on tv.

LOL! Well, if you wanna give it a go, I'll be your first patient!


Out rumptackling
Oct 3, 2010
Omni, I'm not a doctor either, but like L'Aveuglette I'm a fellow hypocondriac, and your symptoms intrigue me. Can I ask you a few questions:

- do you drink a lot of coffee?
- did your problems start after puberty?
- have you checked your pulse when you had chest pains?
- do you have tingling in your head? does it happen when you are irritated or angry?
- do you have bad posture? do you spend a lot of time in front of the computer (ok, we all do or we wouldn't be here)?
- do you sleep well on your side? either side?


Sep 22, 2008
Omni, I'm not a doctor either, but like L'Aveuglette I'm a fellow hypocondriac, and your symptoms intrigue me. Can I ask you a few questions:

- do you drink a lot of coffee? Never had a coffee in my life. Pop drinks are my only source of heavy ish caffeine.
- did your problems start after puberty? Sure, I'd say so.
- have you checked your pulse when you had chest pains? I don't, no.
- do you have tingling in your head? does it happen when you are irritated or angry? Somewhat in the head. Mostly neck area and legs.
- do you have bad posture? do you spend a lot of time in front of the computer (ok, we all do or we wouldn't be here)? It could be better. I went to a chiropractor and they said I have a phase 1.5/4. But I'm not ready to spend so much money on them to fix the problem.
- do you sleep well on your side? either side? I do sleep a lot on my left side (I know it's not good for you, but when you're sleeping, you can't help it) Either side does not stop these from happening. I find if I sleep straight on my back, numbness comes in my legs and arms at times. These episodes wake me up in the middle of the night 1-3 times. Time period remain the same and very difficult to fall asleep during. I get maybe 5-7 hours of sleep every night thanks to them.


I must say, simple questions like these make me feel happy that there could be a hope.


Nov 9, 2010
Parts Unknown
Omni, as a guy with a lifetime's history of cardiac issues, you might need to go see a cardiologist. Especially if you're talking about left-side numbness.

At least rule it out, you know?

Can I ask my own set of questions coming from a guy who has been seeing cardiologists for 20+ years now?

1) what's your average BP?
2) Where does the numbness start/ spread from? Is it from the chest and out? Does it start at the shoulder? Arm? Head?
3) from middle-school on, how has your endurance been? Like, running, etc... Are you out of breath after small tasks when you shouldn't be? Have difficulty keeping up?
4) starting also middle school, any pain in your legs when you do sports? Specifically in the thighs and groin. Possibly ankles?
5) Do you ever get really sweaty before one of your attacks? Like, for no reason?


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Jan 8, 2007
Omni, as a guy with a lifetime's history of cardiac issues, you might need to go see a cardiologist. Especially if you're talking about left-side numbness.

At least rule it out, you know?

Can I ask my own set of questions coming from a guy who has been seeing cardiologists for 20+ years now?

1) what's your average BP?
2) Where does the numbness start/ spread from? Is it from the chest and out? Does it start at the shoulder? Arm? Head?
3) from middle-school on, how has your endurance been? Like, running, etc... Are you out of breath after small tasks when you shouldn't be? Have difficulty keeping up?
4) starting also middle school, any pain in your legs when you do sports? Specifically in the thighs and groin. Possibly ankles?
5) Do you ever get really sweaty before one of your attacks? Like, for no reason?

Dr. L'Avy concurs with these questions.


Sep 22, 2008
Omni, as a guy with a lifetime's history of cardiac issues, you might need to go see a cardiologist. Especially if you're talking about left-side numbness.

At least rule it out, you know?

Can I ask my own set of questions coming from a guy who has been seeing cardiologists for 20+ years now?

1) what's your average BP? Don't know
2) Where does the numbness start/ spread from? Is it from the chest and out? Does it start at the shoulder? Arm? Head? Neck/shoulders to fingers. Sometimes legs.
3) from middle-school on, how has your endurance been? Like, running, etc... Are you out of breath after small tasks when you shouldn't be? Have difficulty keeping up? I have asthma if that's what you're asking. Pumps didn't effect or help the situation. Only time I'm short of breath is when I have a cold or allergies are really bad.
4) starting also middle school, any pain in your legs when you do sports? Specifically in the thighs and groin. Possibly ankles? Groin if anything, but not bad enough for me to stop myself. Only time I had ankle issues are ice hockey, like if I have weaker ankles to support the skates (Which is common, I find).
5) Do you ever get really sweaty before one of your attacks? Like, for no reason? I wanna say yes here? Pretty sure. At the rate they're happening, I'm always sweating. Anxiety probably.

I played sports my whole life (Well most of it.) Baseball for 10 years, soccer for 5, basketball for 5, took up karate classes, ice hockey during winter, tennis/road hockey during the summer, etc.

These events really started as a chain (by that I mean 6-7 years ago) the night after I went paintballing. When I got shot in the back, is what I'm guessing. I thought from there it could of been nerve damage/pinched nerve.


Out rumptackling
Oct 3, 2010
I mean if it was anything more serious, the doctors would have been able to rule it out by now. The Canadian health system is very efficient when they think it's something serious, but once the obvious dangerous things have been ruled out, they tend to not care so much anymore.

I had the tingling symptoms once as well (nothing as bad as yours though), and I panicked big time. They ruled out the big stuff, then didn't care anymore. The tingling subsided slowly over time on its own. To this day I don't know what it was, but one doctor thought it may have to do with back issues. It would make sense as I had developed some weird cracking in my chest area (as opposed to my back) a little earlier.

The fact that sleeping position acts as a trigger would be consistent with a back issue. Nerves being trapped by some vertebrae, something like that.

I also considered going to a chiropractor, but I just don't get good vibes from them, they always claim they can solve every problem. I tried some yoga, but not sure if it helped or not (didn't hurt though!).

Something that seemed to work also was sleeping in positions that got my spine out of its usual position. Some sort of rehab in my sleep, if you will :D. Over time I managed to get back to sleeping in my comfortable positions.

In any case, I agree with you that simply sharing issues with people who are willing to listen is great relief in itself. The usual caveat applies: we're not doctors, so exercise judgment and always trust doctors over random Sens fans on the internet, even those with "Dr" in their name!


Sep 22, 2008
Yes, I was going to say pinch nerve as well.

For this long though? I went to see a Neurologist a few years ago. Had the pins and needles or whatever they are in my left arm. Although I think it's coming from my upper back/left shoulder neck area.


Nov 9, 2010
Parts Unknown
I also considered going to a chiropractor, but I just don't get good vibes from them, they always claim they can solve every problem. I tried some yoga, but not sure if it helped or not (didn't hurt though!).

Omni, if you are thinking of going to see a Chiropractor, you need to see Dr. Ken Brough, at Glebe Chirporactic.. You need to see Dr. Brough SPECIFICALLY, don't get pawned off onto anyone else in the practice.

Is he more expensive than the average chiro? Probably... but the man is the best. THE ABSOLUTE BEST. When I got into my car accident back in '03, doctors thought I'd need at least a year of rehab, but Dr. Brough fixed my back & neck pain after just a few weeks. WEEKS. I continued seeing him for 6 months, and when I was done, you'd never even know I was ever in a car wreck. I felt completely normal. Zero after-effects.


Whippet Whisperer
Jun 21, 2008
There's a small chance I'll be moving back to Ottawa in the next year... If so, I need to get me all up on one of those power of attorney sales for a house.

I kind of want to get an ex-grow-op house ridiculously cheap and strip the whole thing down to studs.

The unit for ours was a case of, widower wanted nothing to do with the place after her husband passed on... something to do with not wanting to stay in a place where he had slept with another woman.

So she wasn't paying the condo fees either, so eventually we got power of sale to recoup the condo fees and other associated costs.


Apr 27, 2010
Rice pudding GOAT with some milk and maple syrup.

With Milk?

Idk, the way my wife makes it, the rice is boiled in milk (instead of water) so I don't see the point. But, I've seen some recipes where they start from leftover rice, so maybe with those ones it makes sense.

Either way, good rice pudding is awesome, but I've seen some that doesn't look nearly as appealing as the good stuff.


Whippet Whisperer
Jun 21, 2008
Go to the ER.

Yeah, I used to use the Ottawa ER over a walk-in clinic for the occasional time I needed to see a doctor. Usually worked better since if there was any tests that needed to be run, they could do it there and get results faster than if a walk-in were to send you to a lab... and then wait for results... and then call you back... and then schedule a follow-up appointment.

Really I think you've narrowed it down to heart-related or chiropractor may be able to fix it. You could always try both?


Whippet Whisperer
Jun 21, 2008
With Milk?

Idk, the way my wife makes it, the rice is boiled in milk (instead of water) so I don't see the point. But, I've seen some recipes where they start from leftover rice, so maybe with those ones it makes sense.

Either way, good rice pudding is awesome, but I've seen some that doesn't look nearly as appealing as the good stuff.

The way my mom always made it, was slightly 'drier' I guess compared to the ones you get in the stores (possibly due to the raisins soaking in the moisture). So usually added a small amount of milk to get it to the desired consistency at the table, and then maple syrup for the ideal sweetness level.
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