Snowstorm projected for tonight. Hopefully it is enough to get the buses cancelled, because I will definitely skip the last day of school.
You badass.
I hope we get a snow day.
How you go from NDP to Harper, I will never know.. Complete opposite ends of the spectrum...
Something doesn't make sense here. How can you go from I don't mind Harper, he gets my vote to if Layton was still here...I'd vote NDP?
Really no reason for me to go tomorrow. Art class is ****ing ******, I don't need to do anything in business, in English we're watching a boring-ass movie that we'll watch again after the break, and I don't care about missing one math lesson before the break.
Nice, today in French class we watched Ice Age(in english) In Science class we did a multiple choice test and then watched mythbusters, in business class we had a party and watched Lost, and in math we did math.
We're still "working" in every class, but I don't care at all, and I won't be missing anything important.
I'll play NHL 13.
Same thing, it's probably all I'll play until Christmas.
My brother is getting Halo 4 for Christmas so I will be playing that a bunch.Same here, if I get BLOPS 2 for Christmas. And I think I did.
Yup NHL 13 all day erryday
Yup NHL 13 all day erryday
Even though it sucks.
Halo 4 is boring.
Yea, but it's something different, and I think I am getting the new Forza or NFS so I will also play those at one point.
Just my opinion...
It's all natural cycles etc, and quite frankly, I'm too selfish to care about the effects on my children's children etc ..
Although I will admit, factories and their smog really need to be sorted out...
The campaign is really good, and the game is put together well, I just got tired of the online gameplay really quickly. I got it on release day and I'm only like level 24. Haven't played it in a month or so.
Bought the new tv, looks great!
Is it better than Reach?
How big is it?
That's what she said
That is bad white text. Use 'Lemon Chiffron' it works better. See?
Wow, you had no life.
It is one thing to say That it is a myth and another to say that it is natural cycles/ you don't care about it. I would like to think that by now most if not all people realize that global warming is very real and is supported by scientific facts. And I would absolutely argue that it is a natural cycle. The amount of greenhouse gasses that we are emitting into the atmosphere today is exponentially larger than 200, 100 and even 50 years ago. I had to do some work on CFC's in high school. That is some scary stuff man. Deteriorates the atmosphere extremely quickly.
Going to be perfectly honest, I miss the old lounge.