GDT: Senators @ Hawks, 5 Mar 2025, 6:30 PM CT, ESPN+

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Kaiser has got tobstop Stutzle there .. Overpowered..

And INO he did direct it in with his skate ...not just edged in but to me was distinct directed in..but who knows if that qualifies as kicking motion.. it certainly was skate re-directedvin with a "sliding motion"..for future time when a Hawks pkayer re-directs puck deliberately with skate sliding motion which I guess NHL rules allow..the difference with kicking motions vs.skate sliding motion is that the knee is not involved to make thecre-direvting motion allowing puck to go from skate into the goal.

Skate-redirection off a bounce of the skate was always allowed by accidental cn tact witthe skate...but deliberate skate sliding over to redirect puck in is more than accidental drflectionoff a skate .
SO TECHNOCALLY not kicked it because the knee did not move the leg forward to direct it in with a skate ..but now we see that a backwards move of a skate sliding over to cause re-direction in appears to be ok under the rules..

I do not think this kind of motion with thevleg sliding the skate to a position to slide it in off the skate should be allowed as a good goal..but we now have a precedent signaling this leg action will count going forward with simar leg motions sliding your leg and skate backwards to then steer it in with the skate.
This had nothing to do with style crashing into Soda...He was wrestled in by the failed attempt to stop by Kaiser..No appears to be only that a backwards move of leg and skate to then re-direct it in is allowed..but it it was a forward skate movement where the knee moves forward to movev the skate over = that would disallow a skate directed in goal I guess wexare clear now on this Canmore your skate over ina backwards motion to then direct ina goal..but not in a forward motion which your knees moves forward to move the leg and skatevto a directing result.

An unusual goal because ee never before saw such a backwards move skate back to direct puck in with a deliberate redirecting attempt.

So now we know ...backwards ok to dire t in deliberately with the skate...forward motion with the skate not allowed as a goal.. simple...File it for future reference.
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Kaiser sucks right now for sure. I thought he might be something he plays hard and he can really skate but he’s too slow to make decisions. I think he’ll bounce around the league for a while and maybe even eventually make it but I think Allan provides more upside in a similar 5 or 6 role.
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Also Teravainen (who i would say is a middle six NHL forward) is officially tied with Bedard in points now for team lead. Bedard also only 4th on the team in goals. The scoring support is there and this season is a clear regression from last year. The problem really has been him this season, unfortunately. Slumps happen and hopefully we can all look back on this season as growing pains years from now.

Lots of work for the kid this offseason.
Feel like he just gets overly defended here and overly criticized by the media and the main boards.

Looking for him to carry the play a little more and make things happen with the extra space. He’s just not attacking. Hes also not confident after the slump. It happens.

But he’s been bad. It’s not his deployment or his linemates alone, he’s just been bad.

This. I know he’s 19, but he’s played with tons of different line mates. We aren’t seeing anything special to say he’s going to be a great one in a few years. I hope he is but people are saying that based on the scouting report and not on the eye test.
Also Teravainen officially tied with Bedard in points now for team lead. Bedard also only 4th on the team in goals. The scoring support is there. The problem really has been him this season, unfortunately. Slumps happen and hopefully we can all look back on this season as growing pains years from now.

Lots of work for the kid this offseason.
Exactly. Blaming his linemates, no matter who they may be, gets old. He'll be fine - as long as one can accept that he is not a generational player.
This. I know he’s 19, but he’s played with tons of different line mates. We aren’t seeing anything special to say he’s going to be a great one in a few years. I hope he is but people are saying that based on the scouting report and not on the eye test.
I’m not going to go as far as you are but like I said I’ve adjusted my expectations. I figured he’d be a 100+ point guy by 21. He was one of the best junior players of all time. I think I’d adjust that a bit downward based on what I’ve seen so far.
I was shocked to see that Ottawa hadx28 give-aways and Hawk only 7 (3 by Dach) seemed to me it should be the other way around...6 take-awayscto JUST 1 for the Hawks seems low for Ottawa since they seemed to win posession in board battles through most of the game...

I giess theyv o not count FTCs (failures to clear) as give-aways ...because Hawks were FTC'ing all night ...
HAWKS kid forwards had rough outimgs.
. Nazar Dach and ReIchel had Zero shog...Slaggert only1 ...Bedard just 2 ( and these only generated in last 10 minutes ofv3rd period..
Da yutes looked over-matched ...did basically nothing.
After watching almost every game of his career I think stylistically and production-wise Kaprisov is a fair comparable. When Bedard was drafted I wouldve assumed Kaprisov was his floor unfortunately, but would still be a phenomenal outcome.
This. I know he’s 19, but he’s played with tons of different line mates. We aren’t seeing anything special to say he’s going to be a great one in a few years. I hope he is but people are saying that based on the scouting report and not on the eye test.

Its not based on scouting...its based on what i said earlier...that he's produced at the same level as Patrick Kane at same age with far less help. And this is all while, according to everyone, he's been playing awful/looks awful. Why would added age/experience/roster help/etc. plus everything we've seen him do already(again...he's produced, for a teenager, as well as some of the best players in franchise history despite the fact that he's underachieved) not be enough to convince you that he'll almost certainly be ok big picture?

When you say "we aren't seeing anything to say he's going to be great in a few years", well, i strongly disagree. As I believe that producing like he has, given all circumstances, qualifies as evidence that he will no doubt one day be great. Like Kane-level great.
Kaiser has got tobstop Stutzle there .. Overpowered..

And INO he did direct it in with his skate ...not just edged in but to me was distinct directed in..but who knows if that qualifies as kicking motion.. it certainly was skate re-directedvin with a "sliding motion"..for future time when a Hawks pkayer re-directs puck deliberately with skate sliding motion which I guess NHL rules allow..the difference with kicking motions vs.skate sliding motion is that the knee is not involved to make thecre-direvting motion allowing puck to go from skate into the goal.

Skate-redirection off a bounce of the skate was always allowed by accidental cn tact witthe skate...but deliberate skate sliding over to redirect puck in is more than accidental drflectionoff a skate .
SO TECHNOCALLY not kicked it because the knee did not move the leg forward to direct it in with a skate ..but now we see that a backwards move of a skate sliding over to cause re-direction in appears to be ok under the rules..

I do not think this kind of motion with thevleg sliding the skate to a position to slide it in off the skate should be allowed as a good goal..but we now have a precedent signaling this leg action will count going forward with simar leg motions sliding your leg and skate backwards to then steer it in with the skate.
This had nothing to do with style crashing into Soda...He was wrestled in by the failed attempt to stop by Kaiser..No appears to be only that a backwards move of leg and skate to then re-direct it in is allowed..but it it was a forward skate movement where the knee moves forward to movev the skate over = that would disallow a skate directed in goal I guess wexare clear now on this Canmore your skate over ina backwards motion to then direct ina goal..but not in a forward motion which your knees moves forward to move the leg and skatevto a directing result.

An unusual goal because ee never before saw such a backwards move skate back to direct puck in with a deliberate redirecting attempt.

So now we know ...backwards ok to dire t in deliberately with the skate...forward motion with the skate not allowed as a goal.. simple...File it for future reference.
There is no reason for Stutzle to beat Kaiser to even the near post let alone the back post. He is not strong enough for the NHL
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If Donato is not traded, please just put him and Teravainen with Bedard the rest of the year...

Donato Bedard Teravainen
Dach Nazar Mikheyev
Slaggert Reichel Bertuzzi
Foligno Dickinson/AA Smith
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EDM looks a lot better than I would have ever guessed this early on.

At some point before this season is over I’d like for them to give KK 5 or so games as a refresher for what he needs to focus on in the off season. Next year is going to be his time to claim a spot. If he doesn’t then I think he’s the odd man out down the road.
Oh boy we go.. Sorensen criticized Bedard andctgevtean's pkay last night after the game.. I think it was an honest assessment...But fans apparently are outraged he criticized Bedard so openly ...the fact is in first 50 minutes on his shifts Bedard was not very noticeable on attack and his line was hemnedvin a lot in the Hawks d-zobe...

Bedard been brutally bad sibcecthex4Nation s break.

Fans have been protectivev of the kid because of course hevus "only 19" and on a terrible team..

Still you have to compare this slump of ineffective and poor d-zobe pkay to whatever he did before when he was scoring.
At sobevoint thevkidvglives have got tobcomevoff...this is notcableague for baby-sittibg.

He is the top line designated Center..but in this slump hevis not driving thevokay .not producing,not defending and not looking like the #1overalk pick in any draftvketcalibechis Geberational Draft stellar Juniorcself.

Hevis neithervoasdibgvtheceyectest not thecstatsxtestvofvprduction..You knewchevbever woukdvbe a defebsiveccebter butvhevhas gotvto be better than hechas been since the break.

So I stand with Sorensen isxaboutvtonecsibebody gave him kick in the pants to wakecupvandvpkay to his abilities. IT is not like a slump where he just has bad scoribgbkuck or goalies saving shots off him theyvshoukd not..It iscthevlack of attack and creation effectiveness.. justctoo many nothibgburger games.

He kooks slower than last season.. and when getsccaught behind the play is not hustling back on the back-check..therevus no spark in hisvpjay..
Do not knowcifvhecneeds sessions with a sports psychologist or what butvsine lazy habits have crept in.. Di nktcsee thexI wNtvthevpuck mentality...see a kitvofvoerineter play and do notcsee ax60 minute effort level.. Too many coasting shifts..
Tgecotgervoroblemnisctgatcecery combo theyctrychon with seems to fail. HE Does nitcseem to mesh with hisxwibgerscwelk ..he getsxshivedvoffvtge puck too easily...tgexHawjsvkise control and tgevioosxtransition out the other way tobattack the Hawks..

Itbisvlijevhevhad forgotten how to pkay hockey and forgotten the abilities that made him so great in Juniors.

I do notblniwvifvlosibg has depressed hom to the pint of uselessness or what is wrong with hom...

Sorenson finally had enough and let hom have it...but fans felt this should have been kept behind closed doors.

Howver certain fans lije me Have been critical of him especially given the regression since the break ..

You cannot justify ibsiodvpjay for 50 m uses...only finally gettibgv2 shotsvon goal and more than cruising speed injustice fibal 10 minutes of regulation time.

There usxa certain level you need to pkayvat in the NHL...since the break his level of pkay has been poor and unacceptable to the point of if he were anyone else he would be benched.

.At some loubt fans must be realistic...even the only 19 excuse has worn thin.

He must show better IN ALL aspects of his play...but most of all he has to outscore his defensive flaws as a bottom.line ..Hecwsscdrafted to score..Ifvhevisvnot creatibgborvputtongbpucks past goalies,you really do not have a top six player at all.

Be honest the kid is struggling ..but a lot of that IS his own doing ..simplybputvtovan objective eye test hevis notveven living upto hiscown prior NHL standards when he did givevusxwow moments..

So we know he should beccapable of replicating that...but low shot on goal totals.. no lengthy control of the puck,no set ups for linematesc,perimeter play and not getting to danger scoring areas,getting caught watching from behind coasting back not hustling to back-check....what do you expect any coach to do but chew him out for lousy play ?

If Sorensen had any balls he woukd bench the kid till he sparks himself to play at a higher level we have seem from him before this slump and regressed level of play .. eve guys on ELCs are expected to give best efforts and play to their ability...we are not seeing that from Bedard ..
Time he wakes up ..if not,and a coach does not bench him for insipid play,it would send a message to the rest of the team...1 rule for Bedard,different rules for everyone else.

Time Bedard grows up,admits he is playing poorly ..and goes out and does sonething to fix this himself by raising his play level..ifvhe cannot...then we have a big problem ...
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Hawks need the kid to be a star player, the ceiling of the rebuild depends on it...any criticism or critiquing of Bedard is because thats what fans expected and want to see from him, haven't really seen any 'it will never happen' on this board either tbh, just observations about his play in the 130 games or whatever he has played so far...

he might be going through some physical and mental burnout, probably the first time in his career he has dealt with not putting up video game numbers and we know his expectations for himself are very high
After some issues to start last nights game, I thought Kaiser defended well until OT. When thrown in the deep end(Example vs Stutzle in OT), he flounders. He also has a tendency to fall off several games after being recalled and not turn it around. Last night won't help that trend.
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