Bedard has got to get "involved" ...goita get out of his slump..He cannot just sit back and let Nazar and Dach feed each other without him touching pucks or carrying it in then dead ending it so that Nazar and Dach not touching the puck..he has to work with his wingers not watch them...He has to mess with his linemates not be off doing his own thing...ineffectiveky ..If he does his own thing effectiveky(hogh shots or high danger creativity that is ok
..but if his "thing" geys stymied which limits Nazar and Dach or forces then to do their "thibgs" without him then the libexas a whole will be limited.. We mist see Bedard pkay better himself butcalso show he can make hisckibemates more productive..if this FSILS and Bedard goes pointless again...with low shots again the we all have got to be alarmed at such a regression to nothing.
So I am coming hom out to show us again why hexwas picked more justc29 more giota have better help excuses.. HE has gotvto pass our eye test and the stats test both.
Snap out of the doldrums CB!!!