If so many teansxwantvDonato surely thevproce isca first rounder which would be a mid to late first deoending onwhether thectean traded to goes deep into a cup run or flames out beforevmakibg pkayoffs andvifvthatcteamnisxacbubblevteam Or isca definitiexlatecfirstvifvdealt to a top contender who goes deep as expected.
Demand is supoosedctovdrivevup price..so if traded for only a 2nd and a 3rdvorv4th..thatcseemsxtoo little given alk the interest in Donato.
Yes always will beca condition on a first ...eg top ten protected thiscdraft incase the acquiring team slides down to lottery status.
Still given a limited market for what might be close to ac30 goal scorer Center,I think thebprice amongst several bidders has got to be sone kind of first.