Pre-Game Talk: Seattle @ Vancouver, 7PM PST, SN1, NHL Network


Registered User
Jun 26, 2018
No more of this Focht, Dries, etc. we need to play our full team. I fully expect Green to continue mixing it all up though because Green.

Agreed, cut these plugs. MacEwen unfortunately didn’t progress at all and should also be cut. Podkolzin with a solid performance.

Pastor Of Muppetz

Registered User
Oct 1, 2017
Feel sorry for the patrons who payed full freight to watch this game at the rink. I realize it's only a pre-season game, but you'd think the Canucks would owe their home fans a better lineup and a better performance than that.

Really any exhibition game is about individual performances. I think Podkolzin has played his way on to the team.....probably the best forward tonight, followed closely by Hoglander. Podz was also more than passable on the defensive side of the puck, which is why he can probably stick because they can start him out on the third and fourth lines.

I get the fact that Dickinson is big and might be a solid defensive forward....but my Lord, offensively he might have less skills than Jay Beagle. You can see why he hasn't once cracked the 10-goal plateau in his NHL career.

Find it interesting that Rathbone keeps getting paired with the pylon of the month. Schenn is the latest....but last game it was Bowey. They seem to be trying him with anybody to see if can carry a pairing on his own.

The Canucks needs to dispatch half tonight's lineup to Abbotsford and get down to workable numbers. They need a far better performance in the last two exhibition games against the Oilers.
Hughes and Pettersson are not ready, Garland and Miller need a rest, and Boeser is injured...what are you going to do..?...Even though we didn't score, I didn't mind the game at all..The Jets game on Sunday was mind numbingly boring.


Registered User
Jul 11, 2014
Hughes and Pettersson are not ready, Garland and Miller need a rest, and Boeser is injured...what are you going to do..?...Even though we didn't score, I didn't mind the game at all..The Jets game on Sunday was mind numbingly boring.
OK...but where were Gadjovich and Petan? At least they've actually scored in this pre-season. And the defensive pairings were a shambles. OEL with Myers was borderline catastrophic, and OEL actually had a decent game. Rathbone and Schenn a close second. And MacEwen and Dowling on the pp? Is this some kind of bad joke?

I don't care if the Canucks dress the Abbotsford Canucks for a road exhibition game. But this team hasn't played in front of their fans in their own building for going on a year and a half. And they deserved a far better effort than that.

Pastor Of Muppetz

Registered User
Oct 1, 2017
OK...but where were Gadjovich and Petan? At least they've actually scored in this pre-season. And the defensive pairings were a shambles. OEL with Myers was borderline catastrophic, and OEL actually had a decent game. Rathbone and Schenn a close second. And MacEwen and Dowling on the pp? Is this some kind of bad joke?

I don't care if the Canucks dress the Abbotsford Canucks for a road exhibition game. But this team hasn't played in front of their fans in their own building for going on a year and a half. And they deserved a far better effort than that.
Would it have been much better with Gadjovich and Petan,...?..Those players don't move the needle much as far as fan interest.

Rathbone/Schenn struggled the most out of all three pairings...I thought the effort was really good by the Canucks, when you consider who they did/didnt have in their lineup...against a team that was fine tuning their opening night squad.


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
Dear NHL refs: MAKE YOUR f***ING MINDS UP. Thanks.

Just needed to get that off my chest.


Predictable result with the Krakheads dressing nearly their complete lineup whereas Greener is still messing around with various bits and pieces. Not much flow, d zone play continues to be a mess.

--Podkolzin: easily his best game so far. Showed flashes on offense, good moves...he continues like this then he might just earn a place on the opening night roster. Hopefully he keeps gaining confidence.

--Rathbone: speaking of confidence, sad to see him losing his. Didn't help being paired with Schenn, but he's clearly losing his way. Might be falling prey to the centipede's dilemma. Hope he can get some mojo going, because I'd really like him to earn a spot over Juolevi.

--Juolevi: dammit, played well sometimes, but others he's still totally deficient. Cannot win puck battles to save his life. Skating is nowhere near where it needs to be at this level. It's frustrating because you can see he sees the ice really well and can legitimately do some things well...but just falls flat on his face in key areas.

--Myers: dear holy f***ing shit is there any pairing this guy's ever made better? Key mistakes, key flubs, missed reads...yeah. This guy. Seriously.

--OEL: I mean...he had a great game I thought...but it still just highlights that he's redundant with Hughes around. Who does he play with? Is he the shutdown guy? With who? He ran the PP really well tonight despite the lack of scoring...but hello? Hughes?

--Dickinson I thought was a lot more noticeable than before, but still hasn't really elevated himself above all the other various dreck on the forward lines. Started strong but faded.

--Would rather see Gadjovic playing over MacEwan 10 times out of 10 right now. Would really like to see some semblance of order in the lineup at this point, even if Pete and Hughes aren't ready to go yet. Highmore, Dowling, Focht, yawn. Schenn sucks.

First visit to Vancouver for the Krakheads, first win. Whodathunkit...oh yeah, lots of people. Goddammit Greener. Time to get serious.

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Registered User
Jun 10, 2021
The score line was predictable without Pettersson, Hughes, Miller, Garland, Boeser, Poolman, and Hamonic.

But I’m glad the team worked hard at least and Green can actually see what he’s got with the guys on the edge of the roster. Knowing how good/bad/awful the OEL+Myers pairing is, as well as finding out who can handle the PK minutes is going to be pretty important for Green, and this game in a weird way was a pretty big success regarding all of that.

Podkolzin starting a positive trend in his play was also pretty encouraging.

Mr. Canucklehead

Kitimat Canuck
Dec 14, 2002
Kitimat, BC
My biggest takeaway was the sake as most of yours - easily Podkolzin’s best game. Night and day over his others.

Burroughs continues to impress me with his game. Dowling and Di Giuseppe also clearly getting long looks for fourth line spots. Seems to be between them and Petan / Gadjovich at this point. I love MacEwen, but he hasn’t done a ton to improve his case.

OEL looked good. Myers did not.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2015
Some things never change. Still the worst officiated sport and still refs just wanta be part of the show. Some dreadful and inconsistent calls all round. Level of incompetence of NHL refs is unbelieveable. Lots of youth games get excellent refereeing and these bozos can't do a job at the professional level.

On the game biggest difference was goal tending. Demko was shaky and let out way too many rebounds while Grubauer was very good. Plays like this and the Kracken are in every game.

Biggest positive was Podkolzin. Skating was much smoother and quicker. Made a number of good plays and and with better linemates looked like he could have accomplished something. That should have been acknowledged by between period commentator (banal and boring as usual - like say something else besides what everyone knows). Off tonight, there is a real chance Podkolzin can help one of the top 3 lines as the season goes on.

Biggest negative was Myers who was again a nightmare. (kids should wear Myers mask on Halloween) . He has been just horrible all pre-season and seems set on becoming the new version of Eriksson. Off the game tonight, you have to think best place for him is in the press box. So much wrong here you don't know where to start. Would prefer Gudbranson.

On the defense.

Rathbone had some good stretches of play but took a pounding deep in his end and will need to get stronger around his net. Strength lies in open ice play and he can be excellent here. Weakness is when the play slows along the boards. However, given the holes on the defense is clearly on the team.

Joulevi - Not all bad but at the moment he is going to cough up gilt-edged opportunities every game he plays. Got the puck moving well at times but still can't take players around the net. In spite of his problems, Joulevi is showing some improvement. Not enough to be, legitimately, on an NHL roster but enough to have some hope that after a year in Abby he can provide some bottom pairing relief work. Maybe wishful thinking but at least he now seems to be trying and getting his nose dirty.

OEL - far and away the best d-man. Tragedy is he had to play with the train wreck Myers in this game.

Burroughs - lack of competition might well allow him to be on the team. Not really an NHL player but was decent in this game.

Schenn - plods along and tries to use positioning to keep out of trouble. Very limited and absolutely fringe NHLer. Looks like he might have lost a step since his last stay in Vancouver and that's a step he couldn't lose.


Past time to send some of these not ready and never will be players packing. Dries and Focht should have already been down the road. Also becoming apparent that all of Highmore, Dowling, Guiseepe, Lockwood, McEwen have big holes in their games. Given the injuries some of these guys will stick around (most like Highmore, McEwen and Dowling). But you are not winning with minor league players like these.

Dickinson started well and had probably his best game. His skating and coverage were better and, with better linemates, looked like he could provide some offense. Could see glimpses in this game of how he could help the team.

I think you have misspelled Juolevis name for probably around two years now


Status quo
Sep 26, 2006
Location: Location:
Finally got to soak in and enjoy a game fully... albeit via PVR.. and a loss... But I didn't even care ... Hockey season!

Dickinson... Solid. He will be a great piece.
Him and Di Giuseppe were very good all game. MacEwen was a drag for them... I don't expect him to stick. Killed the puck..

Podkolzin... And the Dowling line overall (with Highmore)... After getting pinned for a couple shifts they settled... Podz seemed to gain some confidence with PP duty.. and the second half of the game they were decent.. and you could see Podz step it up.
Podkolzin, based on what I saw today is making the team... Dowling as well... He's way more versatile than I thought (as long as Sutter is out).
Highmore does nothing for me at all... Not last yr, not this yr.. but hey... If he's doing the little things right that I don't see.. sobeit... I'll try harder on future viewings.. (I'll read what other think of him)

Hoglander... Maaaaaannnnn... Do I wish he had an NHL caliber shot... Turned and button hooked away from a handful of opportunities... Has skating and edge work.. smart.. can dangle... But has nothing on his shots.

Juolevi ... Safe player.. safe plays..... Was on for one the shifts the Dowling line got pinned, but was quiet and solid and safe. Pretty low event.

Rathbone... Great mobility.. had the post... Clearly a higher event player than OJ... But many of those events were not on the plus side.. Green has got to figure out what his priorities are.. Juolevi being safe and able to PK well is likely the deciding factor there.

Schenn.. Purley depth.
OEL.. so happy to have him..
Myers.. meh.. he will be regular good in the regular season, then a big meany in the playoffs again.. you know what you have..

Burroughs! I really like his physicality.. plays with a nice edge... Love this addition for Abby... Not NHL caliber... But may be useful in a call up situation.

Lockwood... Had no idea idea he had this physically in him as a prospect.. definitely will earn him games. Love his speed. Easily ahead of MacEwen for me...

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Marpole Dealer

Registered User
Dec 19, 2014
Only two preseason games left, sure would be nice to get a glimpse at our actual NHL roster rather than keep playing guys who aren’t going to make the club

You do understand that Pettersson and Hughes just signed, and that Boeser, Motte, and Sutter are injured, right? Understand that you will probably see most, if not all those players in the lineup for those all important preseason games. Because the preseason is when the playoffs are decided. So important.
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Registered User
Jan 9, 2009
My take-away when it comes to the Kraken was that this team is going to need goaltending to bail them out every night if they play like this. Canucks iced a half-AHL squad; the Kraken with their full roster should have wiped the ice with them. They had a 4 min double pp and didn't even get a regular set-up until 3 mins in. Yes, they got 2 PP goals, one of them off a broken stick play which was basically a 5 on 3, but they never really looked dangerous on it. They were on the PP for long stretches, got little accomplished against Abbotsford. That 97.1 point prediction was good for a laugh though, play like this and they will be in the 75 point range. They got up in the 3rd and just put on cruise control, there is no drive with this squad. They will be able to win some games by scoring first and trapping, but their offense might end up looking like the Ducks offense last year. Some alleged Canucks fans might love this Kraken win, but I'm sure their coaching staff wasn't impressed with how it went down.

As for the Canucks, meh, this was a great opportunity to see what we have wrt callups from Abbotsford and playing against a full NHL roster is a good measuring stick. Nobody expected a win looking at the line-ups, but this game didn't really go off the rails until the Canucks had discipline issues. You're about to go on a 5 on 4 and take a boarding penalty? There was another boarding penalty where the Kraken player was nowhere near the puck. Clean that up and maybe this is a tighter score than it had any right being. We'll see the next round of cuts and see how a reduced squad does against the Oilers.

Three On Zero

HF Designated Parking Instructor
Oct 9, 2012
You do understand that Pettersson and Hughes just signed, and that Boeser, Motte, and Sutter are injured, right? Take a pill and understand that you will probably see most, if not all those players in the lineup for those all important preseason games. Because the preseason is when the playoffs are decided. So important.
The final preseason games are important, while teams are starting to ice competitive rosters to iron out lines, we are still icing half an AHL roster. It’s pure incompetence


Hope for the best. Expect the worst
Apr 2, 2002
The final preseason games are important, while teams are starting to ice competitive rosters to iron out lines, we are still icing half an AHL roster. It’s pure incompetence

but they still have two pre-season games and, for example, Seattle has none. I would expect there to be big differences between the team rosters in that situation. I dislike Green as a coach but I don’t think this is an issue.

Hit the post

I have your gold medal Zippy!
Oct 1, 2015
Hiding under WTG's bed...
but they still have two pre-season games and, for example, Seattle has none. I would expect there to be big differences between the team rosters in that situation. I dislike Green as a coach but I don’t think this is an issue.
Still it would’ve been nice to ice a competitive lineup for the home crowd paying money to see a live game again. Wasn’t in the cards.
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Registered User
Mar 8, 2018
Di Giuseppe and Dowling are both Jayson Megnas. Small top-6 energy players in the AHL who just lack the tools to be anything more than replacement-level NHLers as callups. But as temporary fillers for Sutter/Motte, I guess they don't actively hurt you, either.
Pretty sure Jayson is like 6'2, 200lbs...


Registered User
Dec 18, 2018
Wow. Vancouver not getting destroyed in possession for once.

rather see games like this where they control the play 5v5 well lead to more sustained success.
Is there actual offensive zone possession time stats available publicly available?

I’m guessing you’re just using shot attempts but what I’ve noticed Seattle and Calgary do previously is just actually keep possession in the offensive zone.

It’s positive that the Canucks won the shot attempt battle (they still give up the middle like crazy) but I’m wondering if anybody else has noticed this or if Time of Possession is available yet? The KHL has it for goodness sakes.
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Registered User
Jan 29, 2010
rathbone had a stinker last night. he really needs lots of playing time to develop the defensive side more. AHL clearly the way to go


Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
--OEL: I mean...he had a great game I thought...but it still just highlights that he's redundant with Hughes around. Who does he play with? Is he the shutdown guy? With who? He ran the PP really well tonight despite the lack of scoring...but hello? Hughes?

I think you hit the nail on the head there. The defense is so imbalanced. Juolevi, Rathbone, Hughes, Myers - all need to be babysat. We ghosted our only dman who could actually baby sit and look good doing it.

On the plus side, OEL seems to be able to carry his own pairing, but still he would also benefit from having a stay at home dman playing with him. 2 guys brought in to be stay at home, both are better served on a 2nd/3rd pairing roles and 1 is still MIA. Green needs to earn his pay to get this defence up to par.
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