Completion percentage is not the same thing as accuracy. I understand the narratives, the “stats,” and the reasons against drafting him. But the idea that he was really inaccurate in college or as a rookie has been categorically debunked by so much tape by now it’s funny.
Do you know how many of the incomplete passes threw in college that you would have to turn to completions to get Allen to a 60 percent completion percentage? 25 only! Only about 50 to get to 65%. Look at the talent he had, his offensive line, the drops, the tape. Give him a SEC o line, weapons, scheme, and play calls…anyone want to argue he wouldn’t have gotten to 65%+? Of course not. It’s why their disbelief that he transformed into this phenomenal QB who can zip balls into incredibly small windows while on the run is so funny. He didn’t make an unprecedented magical transformation, they had it wrong from the start.
I’m a stats guy, and the complete failure for the stats community to understand the context of Allen’s completion percentage, and to equate it to accuracy (and a prediction of NFL success) was incredibly wrong and a complete failure.
Did he get more accurate? Smarter? Etc.? Of course, all successful QBs develop. Especially great ones. Was he wildly inaccurate ever? Nope, not even close
(This post isn’t directed at all to you
@Jim Bob , just the media narrative!)