The Apologist
Apologizing for Leaf garbage since 1979
How the f*** you can penalize someone for a deflection I do not get.The NHL didn't put something in place about deflections like that? What a stupid rule.
How the f*** you can penalize someone for a deflection I do not get.The NHL didn't put something in place about deflections like that? What a stupid rule.
The 2 or 3 of you assclowns are pretty f***ing loud.
The hit was purely accidental
No one else needs to get injured
The Leafs haven’t lost the series
Anyone see Matthews face on the bench, regarding the JT situation.
He was like, our captain got rat cheesed.
When he was falling back limp with blood pouring out his his helmet and eyes rolling back I feared for his life and felt very badly for his family. The thumbs up was definitely some relief.
I was friends with two of his teammates. One of which had a stint in the nhl for a bit himself. Basically he was a cocky bastard that constantly started shit becauae of his star status and would start shit with teammates and would also start shit off the ice and fully expect his teammates to back him up when he stirred shit up in public. There was an incident where he started shit at a bar with patrons and 3 or 4 of his teammates got beat up pretty bad. It was all swept under the rug.Are you refering to the Knights? Which ones didn't like him in your opinion? Just curious.
Every deflection should be delay of game then./.. thats impossible to do on purpose.
it's been a while, how do i ignore someone again?