Injury Report: Schwartz School of Medicine: Prof. Perunovich Proctors The Sundqvist Assessment Test (22-23 Injuries)

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Celtic Note

Living the dream
Dec 22, 2006
The lung damage isn't ideal, but man have I seen a lot earning it. I've also managed to acquire some shoulder, knee, back and hip damage along the way and lost hearing in my right ear under 75dB across 3/6 ranges.

Did electrical construction work on a water treatment plant in Dawson City in the Yukon Territories. Did some oilfield work in Saskatchewan in the Canadian Prairies, moved furniture all around BC and Alberta. Did some training out in Winnipeg and worked the rail lines for a bit in northern BC. 14 years of life experience and adventure.

Worked outside in both +45c and -53c (-68c windchill factors). So -63f (-90f with windchill) to 113f. That with second hand smoke exposure, asbestos, fibre insulation, chemical fumes, prolonged wood dust exposure, pneumonia, recurring bronchitis and a handful of other workplace exposures in my early 20s have taken their toll.

I've driven and worked in a good portion of Western Canada, kayaked, hiked, rock climbed and camped in places people have never heard of. Northern lights check. Explored a glacial ice cave before it collapsed.

Won't say it's been worth it presently, but I don't regret the experiences I picked up and the places I never would have seen otherwise.
I really hope things end up working out for you and your lungs!

STL fan in MN

Registered User
Aug 16, 2007
Need Scandella to stay healthy. He’s quite solid with he’s actually able to play.

Will be good to have an actual C play C tonight if Thomas can get in there.
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