Usually, when it comes to Finnish prospects, I try not to jump on the bandwagons, as people always have the blue & white glasses on (the ones that made people sure Toni Rajala is a Finnish messiah), but having seen Puljujärvi play a couple of games, I cannot help but think that this guy should be considered a lock for #1 in 2016. A lot can happen in one and a half years but unless he becomes a drug addict hobo and goes a million steps back in development, there shouldn't be anyone (no, not even Matthews) even remotely challenging him for the spot. I know it isn't as marketable for NA media to consider an unpronouncable euro kid as the clear-cut #1, but LOOK AT THIS EFFIN' GUY! If a 16-year-old this dominant would have a name like "Damon Durrface" and a red-and-white jersey on him, he would have drowned in TSN climax goo by now. This kid looks more dangerous on the ice now than last year's top-three draftees.
The fact that Pulju doesn't have a point yet is an insane statistical anomaly. He leads the tournament in shots, hit 3 posts in addition to 6 SOG in the game against the Slovaks and has had at least a couple of chances that, on his normal day, he would have capitalized on. But despite hitting the iron time and time again, he's been the most consistent offensive threat on Team Finland with THIRD-LINE MINUTES and almost-as-underage linemates that aren't exactly of the same "generational" level as him. This consistence, this relentlessness, this sisu is a leadership quality of his that he isn't allowed to display as much as he should because even the coaching staff still can't believe their eyes when a 16-year-old leads the way in a U20 tournament. Maybe there are raw things in his game that I am incapable of seeing, but whenever he's on the ice, he's the most dangerous player out there. The skating is insanely fast and smooth for a guy (let alone a junior guy (let alone a 16-year-old junior guy)) his size, his shot is deceptively lethal, he's always creating a scoring chance and unlike the guys that weren't vastly underrestimated, he hasn't s**t his pants for a minute. He seems immune to pressure and hasn't let the ringing of the posts demoralize himself one bit.
We're talking about a kid who has played a very limited amount of games in the narrow North American rink and immediately dominates against men four years his senior despite having the original "third-line tourist, here to learn" role. Saying that Jesse looks like the clear-cut #1 isn't meant to be an insult towards Matthews who looks like an amazing talent in his own right; were they not in the same draft, they would both look like someone who gets picked first. Maybe there's a slight chance that Matthews is currently the more complete, NHL-ready player of the two, but taking into account the fact that Puljujärvi is one year group (or 8 months) younger, not yet even properly adjusted to NA rinks, undeservedly playing in a third-line role on a much worse team and, despite all this, quite simply the more noticable threat on the ice, I can't imagine any GM passing on the opportunity to get Puljujärvi in 2016.
I had my doubts and I sure as hell wasn't expecting to be this positively surprised, but now that I was, I found the lack of fanboy hype disturbing. Glad to help.