theres no way, and i mean, NO WAY, you lock CK up with his NTC at almost 29 yrs of age (4/20) with a 5-7 year deal. yeesh. even at 6 mil for 5 years. hats a hard no for me. rick nash 2.0. nada.
the guy doesnt score enough NOW. im agile him at 33. hes a 50 point guy. inconsistent as hell and not worth that deal given hell be 35 at the end. that contract will be an albatross and the NTC. yikes.
the numbers show quite conclusively that at age 30, players DROP OFF A CLIFF. that contract will look awful come 2021. PASS.
"but he wont lose his speed or his size". he doesnt know what to do with either today. so ??
kravtsov needs to step into that spot. lets hope he can.
on the flip side, ryan Strome is a centerman and hes 27 in july. 2 years plus younger and a right shot. our once bright and deep middle is now dull and shallow. moving strome makes us even weaker.
projecting in the 70 point range. best face-off guy on the team and a versatile, smart guy who can move up and down. is he benefiting from bread ? sure. is bread benefiting from him ? yep.
he will cost LESS and would probably take a 2 year deal at 5 per.
CK at 30 mil 5 yrs (and thats less than market)
strome at 10 mil 2 yrs.
thats 20 mil to spend elsewhere.
keep lemme, ADA and stromer. SELL georgie to the AVS with CK and andersson for newhook. profit.