Kreider is a f***ing bum and should just be benched for the season. LITR him after it is over and let him retire away. What a waste to end his career. Completely uninterested hockey from him. Now we know why his name was right next to Trouba's in trade memo.
Sorry no, false characterization as to his character, needs to be repudiated.
Attempting to play when he should be sitting is heroic and the antithesis of being a bum. It is unclear as to who is pushing him to play -- ck, coach, drury, all of them -- and that is a separate item.
We need for him to shut down and reassess IF his back does not merely improve but does so to a pt where he can demonstrate ability at classic high level.
If he can't cut that mustard then, then I expect him to do a Gehrig and retire.
Kreider ruined his legacy this year. Can’t wait to get this bum out of here. He can take his pal Mika too. Bunch of overpaid losers.
See above, again not a bum, capitulate to the reality that he's injured and apply that in context.
"Judge not lest ye be judged. For you will be judged by the very standards you apply"
And that man is....
Or. OR. He’s unbelievably hampered by an injury and has been all year. As opposed to one of our most heart and soul players suddenly deciding not to try anymore for no explicable reason.
The "whole point" is that "trading at peak" does not always result in something good because there's always speculation involved with young players and/or draft picks and it doesn't always work out.
Don't tell me what my own point is. I think I know that better than you do.
I am not telling you your pt, I was speaking to what was the actual pt discussed. Let's not get snarky here b'c I give as good as I get and then some.
As to the merits of the argument, THIS is the bottom line.
ANY trade has risk, b'c nothing is written in stone, unexpected surprises can and do happen.
ongoing and inescapable reality of hard salary cap requires constant sell high of assets for quality youth, ideally at an exchange of more than $1 value received for $1 surrendered.
This is especially so when a team, like ours, is behind the 8 ball and must take chances to reverse where we are at.
Peeps have to open their eyes and speak the truth.
No one is going to trade established superior value for established inferior value, which is what many are demanding here when they realize it or not.
But youth brings a wild card; potential v actual, which may entertain different projections and estimates, hence room to negotiate and come out ahead
Honestly, "Mike" was really the only Ranger last night that looked engaged and working every shift. He had two checks on the same shift, stickhandler through two guys and got off a one-handed shot, and was hustling every shift. If the other 17 were playing like him the game would've been different.
Mika did not do enuf every shift, but he was better then many last nite.
Rempe showed more hustle