Pulling a Zib? That might be difficult to prove since you can't even find legit proof that Zibanejad is doing what you described as pulling a Zib, but somehow he's getting that treatment?
Eye test shows Zib played lackluster, obv minimal effort, refused to engage physically, zero defense.
This is not taking off just a game or 2.
This is like 2 months, and the def and physicality is STILL subpar.
Can he offer ANY reasonable basis for this? NO.
So yeah, Meeka pulled a friggin zib and I call him out for it
if he doesn't like it, I'll post from 'Analyze This' again
and he can stick it.
Package Kreider and Jones for a solid prospect and some picks. Do all you can to sign Gavrikov using the freed up cash from moving Kreider. I'm not numbering lines below. If Perreault shows he's ready in camp, give him every opportunity in the top 6/PP. Parssinen needs to show what he's worth the remainder of this season or he either gets dealt or not qualified.
Panarin - Miller - Perrault
Laff - Trocheck - Zib
Cuylle - Edstrom (think he deserves a shot here when healthy) - Othmann
Berard - Carrick - Rempe
Gavrikov - Fox
Miller - Schneider
Soucy - Borgen
Vaak/De Hann
Presumes he has tradeable value which now he does not
any team going there in the summer will be taking a chance and if at all, not paying much
either ck is finished and retires,
we wait til he returns to whatever form he has left -- maybe 100%, maybe not -- and go from there
Do I think he's faking an injury? Not at all. Do I think he told the team "hey it's flaring up right now, put me on IR so i can recuperate", with an eye on making sure he doesn't have to leave the team at the TDL? Yes, yes I do.
I'd be less convinced of that if i hadn't watched him give significantly higher effort at the 4 nations than he has in the rest of the season since the first 10 games or so. Quittin' Chris has been coasting for almost the entire season, presumably because he wants to avoid re-aggravating the injury. If he can't give more than the 20% effort he's showed the entire season, he should be on IR, but his ego wont allow that.
bold = he's entitled if he was actually injured, which = underline
as to 4 Nations
he sat, did min minutes, and other than a single odd shift o 2 where he turned it on FOR A FEW SECONDS, he did not display more than rest of this season