Yes, actually yes. I had to piece a couple of sources together- stack a few things to really get a feel for where they are at versus what the winning teams are across different measurables, but yeah they will struggle to score three given the current rate. All fixable things, breakouts, zone entries, exits, line changes, match-ups and ice-time, situational adjustments. It's how you change, when you change, who you put out etc. You need the experience. You need guys that know these things inside out, and the NHL is getting to a point where that knowledge base and skill is not widely available. In other words.... these coaches are going to keep getting paid.
The PK is still really bad. There are some quantifiable improvements there that will really help the winning cause, some of these are the inexperienced players being schooled at the dot, it starts there. Since you're dealing with divisional battles where there are a lot of experienced centermen, this is likely to continue. Both goalies should be getting agitated at the PK.
It's funny the guys who've been around since in the 90s used to say that there was a point where you're going to coach all the fun out of the game. We've been here for a while, where inches and seconds can be the difference between winning and losing. I feel that with the proliferation of quality insights with reliable data makes measurement and predictability more reliable.
Last game aside, here's one for the eye test: The Rangers are one of the better 5v5 defensive teams in the NHL. A couple of early season softies are keeping Shesty and Georgie from getting some of that recognition right now. So what we're seeing and saying about tight defense is true. The issue is, you aren't doing that after you get a lead.