Roll Call for the Entertainment Forum


Jan 2, 2012
Name: Dagny
Age: 33
Favorite actor(ess): Jessica Lang, Helena Bonham Carter
Favorite director: No clue
Favorite movies: Neverending Story, Micheal Collins, Truth or Consequeses, Cry Freedom, Monty Python movies.
Favorite types of movies: Fantasy, Action/comedy, Satire, B-Movies
Favorite TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Game of Thrones, Modern Family, Archer, Venture Bros., The Tick (cartoon), Colbert/Daily Show, Anything on Adult Swim
Favorite type of music: Rock, Alternative, Punk and some bubblegum Punk
Favorite band/singer: Propagandhi
Favorite song:Broken by Seether/Amy Lee
Favorite album: How To Clean Everything/ Less Talk More Rock
Favorite book: The Philosophy of Everything, Anything by Parke Godwin or Amy Tan
Favorite entertainment magazine:none. Maybe Adbusters
Favorite Radio Show:don't listen to the radio.
Concerts or other shows you've been to:NKOTB, I Mother Earth, Our Lady Peace, Green Day. (Haven't been to a concert in over a decade.)
People You've Met: Lead singer of the Watchmen, John Cougar Mellencamp
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store): Nope
Anything You've been credited with: Nope
Fan site you wish to plug: Nope


Registered User
Mar 6, 2002
In your nightmares
It's been a few years, i'm sure.

Name: Porn*
Age: 31
Favorite actor(ess): Denzel, Portman, Bale,
Favorite director: Darren Aronofsky, Wes Anderson
Favorite movies: Crow, Requiem for a Dream, Pi, Clockwork Orange, Ip Man, Shawshank Redemption, Philadelphia, Papillion, Midnight Express
Favorite types of movies: Good ones
Favorite TV Show: Walking Dead, Dexter,
Favorite type of music: classic rock, punk, alternative, rock, rap,
Favorite band/singer: Incubus / Rush / BIG
Favorite song:Redemption Song - Bob Marley
Favorite album: 2112 - Rush
Favorite book: American Psycho, Walking dead, IT,
Favorite entertainment magazine: :dunno:
Favorite Radio Show: Dean Blundell
Concerts or other shows you've been to:
--> Rush, Misfits, KISS, Incubus, The Roots, Our Lady Peace, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Kings of Leon, Deftones, Outkast, Moby, White stripes, raconteurs, wolfmother, the strokes.
People You've Met: Brandon boyd (incubus), Antropov (condo),
Things you have: A life.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2011
Name: Ricky
Favorite actor(ess):Christopher Lee, Johnny Depp, Reese Witherspoon
Favorite director: George Lucas
Favorite movies: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Friday the 13th, Indiana Jones
Favorite types of movies: Anything goes!
Favorite TV Show: Rosario+Vampire
Favorite type of music: New Screamo, Metalcore, Emocore, Post-Hardcore, Punk
Favorite band/singer: For All Those Sleeping
Favorite song: Mark My Words-For All Those Sleeping
Favorite album: Cross Your Fingers-For All Those Sleeping
Favorite book: Death Troopers
Favorite entertainment magazine: None
Favorite Radio Show: Liquid Metal on Sirius
Concerts or other shows you've been to: None, both concerts I've tried to go to have been cancelled.
People You've Met: Kim Catrall is related to me by marriage.
Things You have: Not a thing
Anything You've been credited with: Nope
Fan site you wish to plug: What?


Registered User
Jun 15, 2010
New Jersey
Name: Bill
Age: 20
Favorite actor(ess): Actor : Maybe Chrisitian Bale and Emmanuelle Chriqui
Favorite director: Kubrick or Tarantino
Favorite movies: Reservoir Dogs
Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessatily a genre) Action and mind **** movies
Favorite TV Show: Psych
Favorite type of music: EDM or alternative
Favorite band/singer: Circa Survive/Anthony Green
Favorite song: In Fear and Faith
Favorite album: On Letting Go
Favorite book: Great Expectations
Favorite entertainment magazine: Don't really read
Favorite Radio Show: Guess A State of Trance
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Too many to list
People You've Met: Anthony Green a few times and a few others
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store) Nothing really
Anything You've been credited with: Being born :|
Fan site you wish to plug: None


~consume enhance replicate~
Aug 2, 2005
Name: Kris
Age: 26
Favorite actor(ess): Simon Pegg, Christopher Walken, Jeff Bridges, Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe, Denzel - - Julianne Moore
Favorite director: eh, Nolan?
Favorite movies: Inception, The Big Lebowski, Children of Men, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix(the first one only)
Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessarily a genre) I'll watch mostly anything.
Favorite TV Shows: hmm lets see.. Sopranos, Spaced, Scrubs(minus "med school"), Dexter, Homeland, Weeds, Shameless, Rescue Me, 30 Rock, Walking Dead, Louie
Favorite mini series(added): Band of Brothers, Generation Kill(give me some of that November Juliet)
Favorite type of music: It ranges from rap to country to indie rock and so on. I'm not a music snob, anymore.
Favorite band/singer: Radiohead
Favorite song: Cover of the Rolling Stone
Favorite album: Chronic 2001
Favorite book: Do the Walking Dead comics count?
Favorite entertainment magazine: People still read magazines?
Favorite Radio Show: N/A
Concerts or other shows you've been to: none to get excited about
People You've Met: pfffft
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store)
Anything You've been credited with: ?
Fan site you wish to plug: Nope


Registered User
Jul 12, 2010
Favorite actor(ess):bryan cranston
Favorite director:david fincher
Favorite movies: fight club, 28 days latter
Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessatily a genre)thrillers,pyschological
Favorite TV Show: breaking bad
Favorite type of music: edm
Favorite band/singer:rebelution
Favorite song: I remember-deadmau5 and kaskade
Favorite album: courage to grow
Favorite book: breaking open the head
Favorite entertainment magazine:
Favorite Radio Show: radio 1 essential mixs
Concerts or other shows you've been to: too many, favorite would be bonaroo last year
People You've Met: chiddy bang, super mash bros, wiz khalifa
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store)
Anything You've been credited with: nothing yet
Fan site you wish to plug:[/QUOTE]

*Bob Richards*

Name: Nick
Age: 17
Favorite actor(ess): Robert de Niro, Robert Duvall, Tom Hanks
Favorite director: Peter Jackson, Quentin Tarantino
Favorite movies: Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, The Godfather, Restrepo
Favorite types of movies:
Favorite TV Show: Tosh.0, The Daily Show, Colbert Report
Favorite type of music: Punk and Hip Hop
Favorite band/singer: Muddy Waters, Nas, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Wu Tang Clan
Favorite song: Mannish Boy
Favorite album: Illmatic/Liquid Swords
Favorite book: The Call of the Wild
Favorite entertainment magazine:
Favorite Radio Show: Boomer and Carton

Lux Aurumque*

Name: Trevor
Age: 21
Favorite actor(ess): Leonardo Dicaprio
Favorite movies: Inception, Hotel Rwanda and Gran Torino, just to name a few.
Favorite types of movies: Mostly dramas
Favorite TV Show: Ice Pilots NWT, Arctic Air
Favorite type of music: It changes constantly. I've been into electronic and dance lately.
Favorite band/singer: Don't have one.
Favorite song: Lovers in a Dangerous Time - Bruce Cockburn
Favorite Radio Show: Anything on Now Radio in Edmonton, except the stupid British guy
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Blink-182 (twice), Rise Against (twice), Rancid (twice), Great Big Sea (twice), Pitbull, Flo Rida, Warped Tour 2010, Weezer, Against Me!, All-American Rejects, Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Incubus, Katy Perry, Janelle Monae, LMFAO, Kesha, Lights, City and Colour, The New Cities, Down With Webster (horrible, horrible band, by the way), Bad Religion...the list goes on and on.
People You've Met: only hockey players


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Don't think I've bothered doing this yet.

Name: Richard
Age: 24
Favorite actor(ess): Tony Leung, Toshiro Mifune,
Favorite director: Kurosawa, Ozu, Kar Wai, Miyazaki
Favorite movies: Tokyo Story, Dr. Strangelove, 8 1/2, My Neighbor Totoro, Days of Being Wild, Rashomon, Ugetsu
Favorite TV Show: The Wire, Simpsons S2-4, Louie, Arrested Development, The Office UK
Favorite type of music: Krautrock, Proto/Post-punk, Fusion, Experimental, Ambient
Favorite band/singer: Velvet Underground, Can, Joy Division, Miles Davis, Neu!, The Stooges, The Beatles
Favorite song: Sister Ray, Ceremony, Oh Yeah, Halleluhwah, Hallogallo, A New Dawn Fades, Heroin, Tomorrow Never Knows
Favorite album: White Light White Heat, *****es Brew, Neu!, Tago Mago, Revolver, VU and Nico, Kind of Blue, Fun House, Unknown Pleasures
Favorite book: Calvin and Hobbes, Catch-22, Where the Wild Things Are (not a book reader)
Favorite Videogame: Super Metroid
Favorite People: Bill Watterson, Karl Pilkington, Louis CK, Hayao Miyazaki, Norm Macdonald
Favorite Hockey Players: Bobby Orr, Steve Yzerman, Pavel Datsyuk
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Sex Metal Barbie
Nov 10, 2009
Name: Ilari
Age: 18
Favorite actor(ess): Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Denzel Washington, Russel Crowe, Marlon Brando, Christopher Walken
Favorite director: Martin Scorsese
Favorite movies: Casino, Goodfellas, Chinatown, L.A. Confidential, Godfather 1-3, ...And Justice For All, Serpico, Once Upon a Time In America
Favorite types of movies: Gangster, crime
Favorite TV Show: The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire
Favorite type of music: Finnish punk
Favorite band/singer: Klamydia
Favorite song: Tango delirium
Favorite album: ^
Favorite book: Don't read
Favorite entertainment magazine: Don't read
Favorite Radio Show: Don't listen to radio
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Many different Finnish bands
People You've Met: Klamydia's singer Vesa Jokinen
Things You have: None
Anything You've been credited with: None
Fan site you wish to plug: None


Registered User
Jul 27, 2008
Name: Cam
Age: 23
Favorite actor(s): Al Pacino, Robert de Niro, Mark Wahlberg, Thomas Jane, Eric Bana, Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio, Seth Rogen, Jeremy Piven, Liam Neeson, Clint Eastwood. Could go on for a while with this list.
Favorite director(s): Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino
Favorite movies: Any Given Sunday, Miracle, The Departed, Reservoir Dogs, Knocked Up, Wedding Crashers, Mystery Alaska, Cinderella Man, Happy Gilmore, 40 Year Old Virgin, Ted, Batman (Dark Knight series), Money Talks, Gran Torino, Dodgeball, The Damned United.
Favorite types of movies: Comedy, Drama/Gangster/Crime, Biographical.
Favorite TV Shows: Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Entourage
Favorite type of music: Rock/metal/hardcore
Favorite band: Thrice
Favorite song: Too many to name
Favorite album: Can't pick just one...
Favorite book: A Song of Ice and Fire series
Favorite entertainment magazine: Any PC/Video game mag.
Favorite Radio Show: Don't listen to radio too much.
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Most memorable-Thrice, Heaven and Hell (got to meet the band, Dio is one of the nicest famous people I have ever met).


Jul 18, 2007
Favorite actor(ess): John Hawkes, Daniel Day Lewis, Tom Hardy, Joaquin Phoenix
Favorite director: Kubrick, PTA, Wes Anderson, many others
Favorite movies: Most anything related to Kubrick or Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine)
Favorite types of movies: will watch basically anything
Favorite TV Show: Community, Parks&Rec, Freaks and Geeks, Louie, most HBO shows, Arrested Development, Seinfeld (only recently got into it :help:), Curb, others
Favorite type of music: like most genres
Favorite band/singer: childhood would be Blink 182, now I listen to too many to have favourites.
Favorite book: I like a lot. Read a lot of classics recently. I have a few for each genre, I guess. You'd have to ask me, I can't think of a specific one on the spot.


Apr 29, 2012
Nova Scotia
Name: Adam
Age: 18
Favorite actor(ess): Charlie Day, Jason Segal, Simon Pegg, Wahlberg (Donnie or Mark)
Favorite director: George A. Romero
Favorite movies: Any Zombie Movies, Archies final project, Hot Fuzz
Favorite types of movies: Zombies. Survival.
Favorite TV Show: The Office, IASIP, Walking Dead, Survivor, The League and HIMYM
Favorite type of music: Alternative Rock
Favorite band/singer: blink 182, Bloodhound Gang, Hollerado, Muse, Modest Mouse
Favorite song: americanarama by hollerado
Favorite album: Blink-182 by blink-182
Favorite entertainment magazine: TheHockeyNews

Royal Canuck

Taco Enthusiast
Feb 10, 2011
Victoria, BC
Name: Tyler
Age: 17
Favorite actor(ess): Liam Neeson, Norman Reedus, Mark Wahlberg, Will Ferrell
Favorite director: George Lucas
Favorite movies: Comedy, Sci-Fi, Action
Favorite types of movies: Progressive, Interesting, Unique.
Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead
Favorite type of music: Anything but Country (T-Swift excluded)
Favorite band/singer: AC/DC
Favorite song: Shoot To Thrill
Favorite album: Master Of Puppets, Metallica (1986)
Favorite book: Pendragon Series
Favorite entertainment magazine: The Hockey News? :laugh:
Favorite Radio Show: Don't have one
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Ozzy Osbourne in Victoria
People You've Met: Joe Sakic, Vernon Wells, Felix Potvin, Lui Passaglia
Things You have: Signed Vernon Wells and Gregg Zaun ball, signed Rookie cards from the whole 2011 Canucks team
Anything You've been credited with: Too much. ;)
Fan site you wish to plug: nahhh.


Valar Morgulis
Mar 5, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Name: Derek
Age: 27
Favorite actor(ess): Unsure
Favorite director: Another one I'm not entirely sure about.. probably Speilberg
Favorite movies: Kung Fu Hustle, LOTR Trilogy, Avengers, Legend of the Drunken Master, Alien(s), Mortal Kombat, Jurassic Park 1/2/3
Favorite types of movies: Action movies, I particularly like old kung fu movies
Favorite TV Show: Dexter, Sherlock, Boardwalk Empire
Favorite type of music: Metal (does not conflict with next answer)
Favorite band/singer: Muse
Favorite song: Hysteria
Favorite album: Black Holes & Revelations
Favorite book: Ender's Game or Jurassic Park
Favorite entertainment magazine: They are all pretty much dead :(
Favorite Radio Show: None
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Summer Sanitarium (Mudvayne, Deftones, Linkin Park, Metallica), Linkin Park 2 more times, Foo Fighters 2x, Nickelback 1x, Muse 1x (Next time is in April), Korn 1x, Slipknot 1x and all the bands that opened for those bands (including Coheed and Cambria, My Morning Jacket, Silversun Pickups, Deadsy, Trustcompany) more
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32 Years of Fail
Apr 15, 2006
San Diego, CA
Name: Jacob
Age: 28
Favorite actors: Willem Dafoe, Steve McQueen, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Toshiro Mifune
Favorite actresses: Jodie Foster, Naomi Watts, Faye Dunaway, Meryl Streep
Favorite directors: Stanley Kubrick, Sergio Leone, Gus Van Sant, Ang Lee, Walter Hill
Favorite movies: Blade Runner, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Sting, 2001, Once Upon a Time in America, The Godfather Part II
Favorite types of movies: Westerns, Drama, Comedy
Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld, Simpsons, In Living Color, The X-Files, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad
Favorite type of music: Rap (90s-early 2000s preferrably)
Favorite band/singer: 2Pac, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Nas, Dr. Dre
Favorite book: The Rum Diary
Favorite Radio Show: The Jim Rome Show
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Anger Management (Eminem, Ludacris, Xzibit, Papa Roach), Weezer/Foo Fighters, Rage Against the Machine, 311, Dave Matthews Band, Aerosmith


Avatar of the Year*
Nov 7, 2012
Name: ottawa
Age: 22
Favorite actor(ess): Johnny Depp, Chrisitian Bale, Al Pacino and Keira Knightley and Emma Watson cause she's hot
Favorite director: Spielberg
Favorite movies: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, The Godfather, Batman trilogy and Harry Potter (yes, i'm 22 and idgaf lol)
Favorite types of movies: Anything
Favorite TV Show: Suits, Dexter, Homeland
Favorite type of music: Country, Classic rock and early rap
Favorite band/singer: Lights, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Coldplay
Favorite song: Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
Favorite book: HP series
Favorite entertainment magazine: THN if I had to choose
Favorite Radio Show: Hot 89.9 morning show (ottawa radio station), I listen to it on my way to work.
People You've Met: Andrei Kostitsyn lol
Anything You've been credited with: Highschool diploma :)
Fan site you wish to plug: What??

Nalens Oga

Registered User
Jan 5, 2010
Favorite actor(ess): Bill Murray, Rowan Atkinson, Audrey Hepburn, Kristen Bell, Tom Hanks, Matthew Perry
Favorite movies: The Truman Show, Groundhog Day, Inception, Dark Knight Rises, Goodbye Lenin, Wanted, Green Street Hooligans
Favorite types of movies: mystery, comedy, or any good non-horror
Favorite TV Show: Community, The IT Crowd, US Office, 90s Simpsons, BBC's Sherlock, possibly House of Cards
Favorite type of music: Indie/rock/alternative/soft/pop-rock/whatever fancy name for modern guitar music
Favorite band/singer: kent, Keane, Arctic Monkeys, The National, Idlewild, Sportfreunde Stiller
Favorite album: Hopes & Fears by Keane and Swedish version of Hagnesta Hill by kent
Favorite book: 56 short stories and 4 novels of Sherlock Holmes, books related to hockey history
Favorite entertainment magazine: TheHockeyNews
Favorite Radio Show: Marek v Wyshynski Podcast; A View From Space with The Spaceman
Cherished possessions: Base hockey cards of notable retired players mainly from their last year or so and custom hockey cards, memories of the 90s
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Stand-Up Philosopher
Mar 26, 2011
Been here for a while, but might as well:

Name: David
Age: 27
Favorite actor(ess): Kevin Sorbo & Alyson Hannigan
Favorite director:
Favorite movies: How To Train Your Dragon, WALL-E, Independence Day, The Mask, ST: First Contact.
Favorite types of movies: Anything with depth. Can't be simply one genre. Most importantly, it can't take itself too seriously.
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek (All but DS9 and Enterprise), Buffy-verse, Eureka, MythBusters, Simpsons, Family Guy, Xena/Herc-verse.
Favorite type of music: Rock/Alternative
Favorite band/singer: Barenaked Ladies, Beatles, David Usher, David Gray.
Favorite song: Changes constantly. Currently "It's Beginning To Get To Me" by Snow Patrol.
Favorite album: Toss up between many albums. Hard Days Night and Help! (Beatles), Maroon and Are Me/Men (Barenaked Ladies) and more.
Favorite book: Don't read a whole lot of professional authors. The Dragonbards series by Shirley Rousseau Murphy and anything by Lillian Jackson Braun are my favourites from my very small sample size.
Favorite entertainment magazine: Don't read any.
Favorite Radio Show: Not sure if it counts, but I listen to Q107 a whole lot.


Jan 14, 2013
Name: T.C.
Age: 22
Favorite actor(ess): Leo DiCaprio, Elisha Cuthbert (SHE'S MINE, DION, HAND'S OFF)
Favorite director: Nolan
Favorite movies: Anchorman, Inception, Shutter Island, Memento, Saw Series
Favorite types of movies: N/A
Favorite TV Show: Dexter, Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Favorite type of music: Hip hop
Favorite band/singer: Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, Cudder, National, Childish Gambino, Avicii
Favorite song: Changes all the time, the one I've come back to time and time again, though, is Time by Hans Zimmer (closing song of Inception)
Favorite album: Tough. I'll say good kid, m.a.a.d. city by Lamar.
Favorite book: Is the Bible too cliche?
Favorite entertainment magazine: N/A/
Favorite Radio Show: Don't listen to radio
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Nobody big. Mostly local shows, I don't get the appeal of big, impersonal concerts.
People You've Met: Entertainment wise? Not a lot. Sports wise? My biggest names are Dana White, Joe Rogan, and Wanderlei Silva (MMA is my number one sport still) and after that, Lyle Odelein, Stefan Elliot, Jordan Hendry, Robyn Regher.
Fan site you wish to plug: Not a fan site, but the MMA site I mod for: [] If you love MMA, get over there. Best community on the web.

Reclamation Project

Cut It All Right In Two
Jul 6, 2011
Name: Reclamation Project
Age: XXI
Favorite actor(ess): Christian Bale, Kevin James, John Goodman, Mike Richards; Charlize Theron :naughty:
Favorite director: The Coen Brothers
Favorite movies: The Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men, and The Italian Job
Favorite types of movies: Action, Adventure, Science-Fiction, Documentaries
Favorite TV Show: The King of Queens
Favorite type of music: Hard Rock
Favorite band/singer: Van Halen
Favorite song: Atomic Punk
Favorite album: Van Halen
Favorite book: When the Air Hits Your Brain
Favorite entertainment magazine: Road & Track and Evo
Favorite Radio Show: John & Ken and The Petros & Money Show
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Aerosmith, NIN, Van Halen, Angels & Airwaves, etc...
People You've Met: Charlize Theron and Wil Wheaton a ton of times :laugh:
Things You have: Charlize Theron autographed scripts.
Anything You've been credited with: Some guy in the background on CSI.
Fan site you wish to plug: None


Registered User
Nov 16, 2013
Nova Scotia
It's been about 10 months since the forum opened, figured I would fire this up

Add or Omit questions as you please, plural anything you want as well

Favorite actor(ess): Ian McShane
Favorite director:Scorsese
Favorite movies:Impossible to name just one
Favorite types of movies: any genre
Favorite TV Show:For now...Walking Dead
Favorite type of music:Classic rock
Favorite band/singer:Zeppelin
Favorite song:Whatever \I am listening to on I-pod

Favorite album:Zep 4
Favorite book: too many to name
Favorite entertainment magazine: not into entertainment media
Favorite Radio Show:do not listen to radio
Concerts or other shows you've been to:nil
People You've Met:nobody worth listing
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store) Lots of hockey cards that could be sold for slight profit
Anything You've been credited with:nothing worth listing
Fan site you wish to plug: nothing worth listing]
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Jersey Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2011
Edmonton, AB
Name: GrandLarseny
Age: 16
Favorite actor(ess): Andrew Lincoln, Kevin Spacey, Kate Mara
Favorite director: None
Favorite movies: I actually couldn't tell you, maybe like Shaolin Soccer
Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessatily a genre) N/A
Favorite TV Show(s): Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, House of Cards
Favorite type of music(s): Pop, Country.
Favorite band/singer: Lights, Taylor Swift, Paramore, A Fine Frenzy, Kacey Musgraves
Favorite song: February Air - Lights & Begin Again - Taylor Swift
Favorite album: Same Trailer Different Park - Kacey Musgraves, Speak Now - Taylor Swift
Favorite book: N/A
Favorite entertainment magazine: N/A
Favorite Radio Show: N/A
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Lights
People You've Met: None
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store) Lights signed 8x10 photo, Lights signed ticket, Taylor Swift signed Red Album, Carly Rae Jepsen signed 8x10 photo. Also bunch of hockey stuff.
Anything You've been credited with: None
Fan site you wish to plug: None

Howard Beale

Registered User
Apr 7, 2010
I've never filled this out before, so I'd might as well.

Age: 22
Favorite actor(ess): I have no clear answer for this one, but Simon Pegg, Bill Murray, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Lawrence, Guy Pearce, and Steve Buscemi all deserve to be mentioned
Favorite director: Paul Thomas Anderson, David Fincher, The Coen brothers, Christopher Nolan, Sidney Lumet, Billy Wilder, Stanley Kubrick
Favorite movies: Fargo, The Truman Show, Memento, Network, Chinatown, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Apartment
Favorite TV Show: The Wire, Arrested Development, Community
Favorite type of music: Indie rock
Favorite band/singer: Arcade Fire, The National, Beirut, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes, Lupe Fiasco
Favorite song: Rebellion (Lies) by Arcade Fire, Gimme Sympathy by Metric
Favorite album: High Violet by The National
Favorite book: don't really have a favourite... I may come back to this one
Favorite Radio Show: CBC Radio 1 generally has some really interesting content


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