Hey, if someone wants to edit out the "drive by" posts then have it. I just don't care for the well-thought out posts that make a valid point being edited or deleted no matter how caustic.
Grow a thicker skin. An internet forum on hockey should not be able to damage your pysche no matter what is said.
This is just me, but a few recommendations for you. Over at LGK there are definitely a select few people that are worth reading and I don't always agree with them. Then there are those that I read, because they add levity, and when I am in the mood for that I definitely do not skip over their stuff.
There are others I ignore without the ignore button. I will read their stuff from time to time just to see if they have, IMO, learned something new. I understand the "days being packed" thing, but I think if you continue to read just about everything for a while, you will quickly identify those posters that have something of value to say, and that you might want to read always.
Unpopular opinions are what make these boards go round. Not too many years ago I was pretty much labeled as a Lombardi kool-aid drinker. I preached patience when many were calling for the guy's head. It was often an unpopular opinion, but made for some lively discussions and an exchange of ideas.
It's not really having a thicker skin, I never take anything personally on boards. I grew up on Usenet, the things I read on there made LGK look like a convent
It's more just having to manage posters and all that. It takes far too much time and effort for me. I barely would have the time to go over there anyways, and while there are some great posters there, it's not really worth the effort to me.
I also don't take it personally when my posts are deleted or edited, so that really doesn't bother me I suppose. I have no idea how many thoughtful posts are edited here, but it's probably not a lot as we are blessed with some good moderators. I really don't go on the main boards a lot, so maybe that's why I don't see a lot of it.