Prayers for Pie
Big, Bad Bruin Johnny McKenzie won his biggest fight off the ice
Johnny is dying. He is confined to a bed inside the comfortable Wakefield home he shares with longtime lady friend Beth Romanelli, his hands resting on his belly, his eyes still rich and blue, but staring off at not much of anything. Johnny no longer speaks but Beth says, “He can understand everything you say to him. I know it.”
Johnny’s 80-year-old body is ravaged by time, by too many hockey fights and, perhaps, by the residue from all those late nights all those years ago when the Big, Bad Bruins tore up Boston and, for that matter, every port of call in the National Hockey League.
Johnny was a hockey nomad until the Bruins acquired him from the New York Rangers midway through the 1965-66 season for Reggie “The Ruffian” Fleming, who had passed through Boston in the middle of his own journeyman’s career.
Big, Bad Bruin Johnny McKenzie won his biggest fight off the ice
Johnny is dying. He is confined to a bed inside the comfortable Wakefield home he shares with longtime lady friend Beth Romanelli, his hands resting on his belly, his eyes still rich and blue, but staring off at not much of anything. Johnny no longer speaks but Beth says, “He can understand everything you say to him. I know it.”
Johnny’s 80-year-old body is ravaged by time, by too many hockey fights and, perhaps, by the residue from all those late nights all those years ago when the Big, Bad Bruins tore up Boston and, for that matter, every port of call in the National Hockey League.
Johnny was a hockey nomad until the Bruins acquired him from the New York Rangers midway through the 1965-66 season for Reggie “The Ruffian” Fleming, who had passed through Boston in the middle of his own journeyman’s career.