Rewatching Game of Thrones

John Price

Gang Gang
Sep 19, 2008
I watched for the first time and the lack of detail in the war in season 1 is jarring. Apparently they didn't have the budget for some big battle

Stopped watching midway through season 2. should probably start watching again.


It's my first day.
Apr 19, 2015
Iceland II the hotter crappier version.
I watched for the first time and the lack of detail in the war in season 1 is jarring. Apparently they didn't have the budget for some big battle

Stopped watching midway through season 2. should probably start watching again.
When you get to season 6 just let you imagination take over :laugh:

To be fair I didn't hate hate the conclusion, parts were dumb but I saw from a mile away, others would just need further fleshing out.
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DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
When you get to season 6 just let you imagination take over :laugh:

To be fair I didn't hate hate the conclusion, parts were dumb but I saw from a mile away, others would just need further fleshing out.
With the benefit of hindsight the big problem is that the results themselves aren't the problem. Like you said, it all needed more time to be fleshed out.

Dany's madness needed more time in the oven and her cooking the Tarlys is not a good enough showing of that development. I can buy that Dany would roast innocents in King's Landing at some point but it really just seems like a total out of left field moment. Prolong the events of the war, show that the Dany-Jon forces needed time to recuperate. You can build up Jamie's heel turn in the process. I mean you can do so much by drawing out the remaining war after the end of the Long Night instead of having everything more or less resolve the next episode.

I can buy that Bran's path leads him to be King but not when you show me a couple seasons of him being a catatonic future seer with seemingly little to no interest in people. "Why do you think I came all this way?" f*** off with your "it should've been obvious if you were paying attention" smugness.

I can buy that the revelation of Jon being the true heir of, let's say the Targaryen lineage (because both the Targareyens and Baratheons owed their "birthright" to the throne to conquest) didn't amount to him actually ruling Westeros. Even without the script smacking the viewer with "I dun wan eht" over and over again, it's very on brand that Jon wouldn't want to take on that role. He was barely comfortable being the King of the North but took the role to unite as many houses as he could against the Night King because he saw it as the only hope for humanity's salvation. The problem is, taking that agency away from him and not having it brought up when the high council was determining succession is just such a flat way to reach that outcome, and the concept that the only reason he couldn't be named King was because Grey Worm and the remaining strength of Dany's forces would keep the war going is so f***ing stupid.

And then there's nothing that will make Arya being the one to kill the Night King work for me. It's entirely unearned. It should have either been Jon or Bran. With Jon a lot of people say Arya killing the Night King ruins Jon's arc as the hero to save Westeros from the Long Night. I take a wider position because if it hadn't been for the work Jon did to unite the North and get Dany on his side, the Night King certainly wins. He's still the savior even if he didn't commit the act to end it all personally. But still, Arya's story didn't connect with the Night King at all. Bran and Jon's did directly. Bran's arc would be so much better if through some Three Eyed Raven magic he gave his life to stop the Night King threat. Then you can have Arya assassinate Cersei if you're not gonna have Jamie do it.


Big F$&*in Q
Jan 5, 2005
Ottawa, ON
I never really liked Jon "Plot Armor" Snow so I was pleased to see all of his heroic trappings taken away.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2004
I rewatched it a while back and ffwd'd through all of it but the Nights Watch parts.


Conversational Black Hole
Jun 23, 2020
A lot of the "we ran out of time" stuff could have been solved by abandoning the utterly pointless Dorne and Braavos plots and a lot of the torture porn ("you already hate Meryn Trant, and he's an irrelevant character anyway, but let's include a lengthy scene where we make him a pedophile just to make you even more uncomfortable" or literally every scene involving Ramsey Snow, who is an important but far over-used character and whose demise led the showrunners to replace him with the even more insufferable Euron Greyjoy).

Seriously, there's probably four hours of just this stuff from season 5 onward that could be used to advance the plots and develop the characters that matter.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
The first 5 seasons or so are my favorite TV of all time. No comment after that
6 and 7 are still fine for me. I actually dislike s5 more than 6 and 7, personally. Certainly a decline after 4. 8 is a goddamn mess that drags the total package down.
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Registered User
Jan 4, 2014
These opinions on the events of the last couple seasons are making me realise I really was not paying much attention by then, just kind of serving out the term...


Registered User
Sep 30, 2016
Season 5 gets a lot of crap and rightfully so, but Shireen's death is still the worst on the show for me, and honestly one of the worst I've seen on any show. Even if the Red Wedding and Ned's demise were more shocking and impactful to the story as a whole. The actress really nailed those screams.

The Crypto Guy

Registered User
Jun 26, 2017
Season 5 gets a lot of crap and rightfully so, but Shireen's death is still the worst on the show for me, and honestly one of the worst I've seen on any show. Even if the Red Wedding and Ned's demise were more shocking and impactful to the story as a whole. The actress really nailed those screams.
I mean, the red wedding scene was probably a top 3 scene of the show if not the best. You can't compare that to the Shireen death scene. Which i don't think was THAT horrible, it showed what a terrible leader and person Stannis was, and how the lady in red could manipulate people. It had it's purpose but definitely not too memorable like the Red Wedding.


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