And it annoys me! I went to play pickup around 2000 (after years of not playing - kids took my free time) and took to the ice, only to get yelled at for not having a helmet. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. So here i was, with a group of mostly novice players, full face masks, over sized full equipment, and even mouth guards for a freaking pick up game.
I wore no shoulder pads, and begrudgingly, my old CCM Pro Standard (HT-1) helmet, no cage or shield. Slow puck pick up game.
Whatever happened to a gentleman's game of pick up wearing barely any equipment?
The wussification of North America.
Or maybe I'm just a miserable old curmudgeon these days.
But to stay on topic - the old flat masks were primitive by today's standard. I just remember getting whacked with the puck wearing a Jacques Plant (think Bernie Parent) style mask in the 70's, and the noise and ringing in my ears was pronounced to say the least...