I wasn't personally affected nor did I know anyone that was, but it makes my insides physically ache whenever I think about what happened. I'm not much of a city boy and barely know shit about different areas of the city, but I identify as a New Yorker and it felt like an attack on all of us. I was in my freshman year of high school in the bottom-floor cafeteria. Some kid a year or two older than me came barreling down the stairs (could hear him running down the stairwell) and he pops around the doorway and says something like "A plane just hit the Trade Center in the City." We spent the rest of the morning listening to the news over the PA - for whatever reason they thought it was a good idea to put on Howard Stern? I knew he was a shock jock so I figured it was some stupid prank..until I realized it wasn't. Other than that I don't have much recollection of how the day went. I'm pretty sure we were let out not long after we had some more concrete information. It was a weird way to have 9/11 broke to us, for sure. At least for me.
New York City is the best city in the world and I've always loved growing up with it as basically my backyard. I've always loved the chaos of the city and how many stories are packed in to the smallest areas, the smallest shops and food stands. There's just so much..everything. All the culture, all the history, being a major hub of the world. And I can pop down there in 40 minutes and melt away into the hustle and bustle. It's such a beautiful feeling just being there to experience it all.
New York City is the best city in the world and I've always loved growing up with it as basically my backyard. I've always loved the chaos of the city and how many stories are packed in to the smallest areas, the smallest shops and food stands. There's just so much..everything. All the culture, all the history, being a major hub of the world. And I can pop down there in 40 minutes and melt away into the hustle and bustle. It's such a beautiful feeling just being there to experience it all.