Resolute said:
Actually, it is his word against your interpretation of what Kurri said.
Can you please show me where Kurri defined "we" as being himself and Kiprusoff rather than Kurri and his staff?
Quite frankly, I'll take Duhatchek's word on this one.
Too bad you can't understand Finnish. But here goes:
This article "Kiprusoffin lonkkavaiva oli tiedossa"
"Jari Kurrin, Erkka Westerlundin ja Miikka Kiprusoffin kesken kuitenkin sovittiin, että Kiprusoff nimetään joukkueeseen ja tilannetta tarkastellaan lähempänä olympiaturnausta uudelleen."
Translates to "A decision was made between Jari Kurri, Erkka Westerlund and Miikka Kiprusoff that Kiprusoff would be named to the team and his situation would be reviewed closer to the olympic tournament"
"- Luonnollisesti olemme keskustelleet Kiprusoffin kanssa hänen terveystilanteestaan useasti. Kipru on ollut huolissaan lonkkiensa kunnosta ja tietysti urastaan, mutta sovimme nimenomaan, että hän on mukana joukkueessa ja katsomme lähempänä olympiakisoja, mikä Kiprusoffin pelikunto on ja teemme ratkaisut tuolloin, vahvistaa maajoukkueen GM Jari Kurri."
Translates to "Naturally we have discussed the health issues with Kiprusoff quite a few times. Kipru has been worried about the condition of his hips, and naturally of his career, but we made a deal, that he will be in the team and that his situation will be reviewed closer to the games, and then we would make decisions, confirms the GM of Team Finland Jari Kurri".
It clearly states, that they made a deal, they agreed WITH Miikka Kiprusoff.
I really dont understand this unhealthy belief for Duhatchek. If you and your mother had a conversation about something, and Duhatchek wrote the exact opposite about your conversation in his column, you would believe him rather than your own memory....even though he was not even present?
Come ON! General manager of team finland says this was the deal. Why on earth would some god damn reporter know better what the deal was between Kurri and Kiprusoff? Can you explain it in any reasonable way? Does he tap their phones? Even then he would not know any better, he would only know equal.