Thanks for maintaining this awesome resource, and thanks to everyone else who has contributed.
I found a couple of inconsistencies, unless I am reading the database incorrectly:
2020, 5th round
- Kingston's pick is listed under Kingston but also Peterborough. As far as I can tell it should still be with Kingston.
- North Bay's pick is listed under North Bay but also Sarnia. As far as I can tell on Oct. 9, 2018 NB sent this pick to Sarnia.
- Windsor's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell, on Aug. 31, 2018 WSR sent this pick to PBO. Perhaps that's where the accidental duplication of Kingston's pick came in?
2021, 10th round
- North Bay's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell it should still be with North Bay.
2022, 6th round
- Mississauga's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell it should still be with Mississauga.
2022, 8th round
- Mississauga's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell it should still be with Mississauga.
2023, 8th round
- Mississauga's pick is listed under Mississauga but also Owen Sound. As far as I can tell on Oct. 29, 2018 MIS sent this pick to OS.
2023, 12th round
- Oshawa's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell on Oct. 29, 2018 OSH sent this pick to SAG.
2024, 12th round
- Oshawa's pick is listed under Oshawa but also Saginaw. As far as I can tell this pick should still be with Oshawa. Perhaps this pick was moved erroneously instead of the 2023 12th?
- Saginaw's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell this pick should still be with Saginaw.
2024, 3rd round
- Guelph's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell on Jan. 5, 2019 GUE sent this pick to OS.
- Owen Sound's pick is not listed under anyone. As far as I can tell this pick should still be with OS.
Hope this helps!