S chumlem novinářů protřepal plejádu (nejen) aktuálních témat. Nominace na Švýcarské hry, konkrétní jména, ale i situace v NHL... Nejvíc se Radim Rulík rozohnil při otázce na trejd Davida Jiříčka do Minnesoty. Co dalšího trenér národního týmu okomentoval?
Interesting interview with Czech NT coach Rulik. He talks about many other things, but one of them is about Jiricek trade to Minnesota. He says that its crazy and completely dont understand why Minnesota brought him and that he should have gone to different club eg. like Edmonton. And that they dont know in Minnesota what value they have in D.Spacek.
I must say I agree with him, for Jiricek this is maybe a better oppurtunity to play NHL, but Spacek is completely baked in AHL with this move. Guy who is looking better and better every year, and showed at last year WCH that he is ready to play on highest level. I always thought he is the first in line to get a call up. Now with Jiricek in, he will probably be stuck forever in AHL. Kinda sucks, so I at least hope Jiricek can grab most out of this chance and we will see at least one new full time czech D in NHL.