RD David Fischer - UFA (2006, 20th overall, Montreal)


Registered User
Apr 2, 2006
Ok I guess he's not the only idiot on this board. If anyone needs to get off his high horse it's tunbuckle! He likes to give everyone the impression that he is some kind of Hockey Guru when he actually knows nothing about the game of hockey. I have been reading his posts for years and it is not hard to figure out that he is not capable of forming his own opinion he only repeats what he hears from his so called scouts that he knows. Anybody that comes on here constantly regurgitating bull s^&t gossip, should really have his head examined, and get a life!

Talent Analyst

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Russian_fanatic said:
You guys are really helping out TGO ;)

Anyways I really like Fischer, I believe when it's all said and done he's going to be a solid second pairing guy(#2/#3 defenseman). Fischer IMO is a future captain, IMO the fastest, and smoothest skating defenseman this draft. He is also one of the hardest working players you'll ever come by. He has very soft hands for a defenseman, and makes some plays look so easy. All in all Fischer is extremely skilled, and should pan out as a #3 defenseman who can jump in and play big minutes(could become a #2 defenseman on some teams). For comparision sake Fischer reminds me of a taller(way taller) Brian Rafalski. Fischer may be taller, but plays the smart game similiar to Rafalski. Should be a 40 point threat for a while. He can QB the PP, and be a future captain. Montreal got a good deal on Fischer(A steal IMO 2nd best defenseman in the draft). When I've watched this guy, he was amazing. Fischer has good size at 6-3 185 pounds.

Wow .. great description !! :yo: He look like a sleeper :D


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Apr 22, 2004
LWD said:
Ok I guess he's not the only idiot on this board. If anyone needs to get off his high horse it's tunbuckle! He likes to give everyone the impression that he is some kind of Hockey Guru when he actually knows nothing about the game of hockey. I have been reading his posts for years and it is not hard to figure out that he is not capable of forming his own opinion he only repeats what he hears from his so called scouts that he knows. Anybody that comes on here constantly regurgitating bull s^&t gossip, should really have his head examined, and get a life!

You know, a couple of years ago this kind of post would be completly unacceptable. Now it's the norm on these boards. Instead of intelligently discussing issues and players, name-calling has become the trend. No wonder so many quality posters have left and those who remain are seldom heard from. Turnbuckle is not an idiot and neither are you but the reaction to his posts are asinine and the prime exhibit of why these boards have declined. All he did is tell the board what he heard from a scout; his posting history reinforces his credibility. If you don't agree. fine. Tell us why but don't start insulting just because your opinon diverges from his.


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Mar 1, 2002
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Astaroth said:
You know, a couple of years ago this kind of post would be completly unacceptable. Now it's the norm on these boards. Instead of intelligently discussing issues and players, name-calling has become the trend. No wonder so many quality posters have left and those who remain are seldom heard from. Turnbuckle is not an idiot and neither are you but the reaction to his posts are asinine and the prime exhibit of why these boards have declined. All he did is tell the board what he heard from a scout; his posting history reinforces his credibility. If you don't agree. fine. Tell us why but don't start insulting just because your opinon diverges from his.


We tend to have a hard time accepting divergent opinions.


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Jun 4, 2006
Toronto / North York
Artie said:

We tend to have a hard time accepting divergent opinions.

Very, the disrecpect could stop, if someone decided to enforce it. Post like: "You dont make any sense", "ur post makes me wanna vomit" etc, should stop.
(Ive been on boards on other subjects that decided to enforce it and whit success.)


Registered User
Apr 2, 2006
OK, maybe I came on a little too strong. I am not name calling only stating my opinion on turnbuckle, just something he does constantly on this board. Everyone should have the right too express their opinion that's all I am doing. I apologize if I offended anyone my intentions are not too make a mockery of this board. I only want people to know what I think of turnbuckle, his posting history in my opinion is full of innuendo and hear say, interesting yes, but alot of the time not close enough to the truth. I'm sure turnbucle can take the criticism we all know he can hand it out.


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Apr 26, 2003
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LWD said:
I am not name calling only stating my opinion on turnbuckle.

LWD said:
The only idiot on this board is turnbuckle.

Well I don't know what your definition of name calling is, but I guess it's a little different from everybody else's.

I do know one thing though, and that of the "idiots" in this thread, I do not think turnbuckle is one of them.

You, on the other hand...


Registered User
Apr 26, 2006
Vancouver, BC
I read the things that were said about David Fischer on this forum a few days before the 24th and I had the pleasure of actually meeting David at the draft about half an hour before it started, and he was by far the nicest guy out of all of the prospects that I met throughout the day. When I met him I was curious to see how he was given what I had just read about him not even 48 hours before, but I was quite pleased with the impression I got from him. Very down to earth, very eager and willing to talk, more than happy to sign an autograph and shake hands - at no point did he come across like an idiot, just a really nice kid excited about his big day. I think Montreal has a solid guy in their system in David Fischer.


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Apr 28, 2003
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Jovofan said:
I read the things that were said about David Fischer on this forum a few days before the 24th and I had the pleasure of actually meeting David at the draft about half an hour before it started, and he was by far the nicest guy out of all of the prospects that I met throughout the day. When I met him I was curious to see how he was given what I had just read about him not even 48 hours before, but I was quite pleased with the impression I got from him. Very down to earth, very eager and willing to talk, more than happy to sign an autograph and shake hands - at no point did he come across like an idiot, just a really nice kid excited about his big day. I think Montreal has a solid guy in their system in David Fischer.
Thanks for the info.

I'll also add that in no way, shape or form is turnbuckle an idiot. He's one of the best posters on this board and I enjoy reading him. Dont listen to a few immature children.


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Apr 2, 2006
If you enjoy reading turnbucle's BS that's your mistake. He's still an idiot, that's what I think, that's my opinion, he's a big boy he can handle it. If I could go back through all of turnbucle's BS and lies more people would agree.


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Apr 2, 2006
Oh, one more thing, do you think David Fischer and his family don't think turnbucle is an idiot?


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Feb 27, 2002
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LWD said:
Oh, one more thing, do you think David Fischer and his family don't think turnbucle is an idiot?

This is a message board and what turnbuckle provided is exactly why people frequent these boards.

If you want validated facts with multiple sources, go check out www.tsn.ca for your information.

And man, quit the name calling already. Do you think Fischer's family is all caught up about a rumour on a message board? If they are, they are clearly not ready for their kid to become a pro athlete.


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Apr 22, 2004
LWD said:
If you enjoy reading turnbucle's BS that's your mistake. He's still an idiot, that's what I think, that's my opinion, he's a big boy he can handle it. If I could go back through all of turnbucle's BS and lies more people would agree.

Alright man, you've stated your position and that's cool but talk is cheap. Prove it, tell us what BS and lies has Turnbuckle told through his posting history.


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Apr 2, 2006
Yes, I'm done talking about turnbucle, I've made my point. If you really want to know the BS and the lies, the false statements, ask turnbucle himself. That would be the longest post in history. But, that's not likely to happen because turnbucle has a problem telling the truth.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2006
Oh, one more thing again, do you think David Fischer and his family don't think turnbucle is an idiot? It's a simple question, yes or no.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2004
LWD said:
Yes, I'm done talking about turnbucle, I've made my point. If you really want to know the BS and the lies, the false statements, ask turnbucle himself. That would be the longest post in history. But, that's not likely to happen because turnbucle has a problem telling the truth.

If you're going to accuse somebody of something, you better be able to actually back it up or else it's your credibility that is questionned.

As to the question of if Fischer's family thinking Turnbuckle is an idiot or not;

I would assume that his family would be unappreciative of the criticism that has been leveled at Fischer, however that is part of the game. If they can't handle it, well too bad. How many times, european players, especially Russian players are called headcases, selfish, soft and numerous other labels yet no one jumps to their defence. It's part of the game, you can never be perfect and there is always something to nitpick.


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Apr 2, 2006
Your missing my point, I realize criticism is part of the game, I'm sure the Fischers can handle it. All I'm trying to say is that people like the Fischers simply think turnbucle is an -------- ,you fill in the blanks, idiot is probably not the worst name. Hey, when you crap on people they don't have to like it.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2006
One more thing, the only one who's credibility is in question is turnbucle he's the one telling the BS stories.


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Apr 26, 2003
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LWD said:
Your missing my point, I realize criticism is part of the game, I'm sure the Fischers can handle it. All I'm trying to say is that people like the Fischers simply think turnbucle is an -------- ,you fill in the blanks, idiot is probably not the worst name. Hey, when you crap on people they don't have to like it.

What are you, his sister?


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Apr 26, 2003
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I was asking you, seeing as you know so much about his family, including what they think of posters on various internet web sites. I just assumed you were a member of his immediate family, probably his sister, because... well, never mind.

Why else would you care so much about what an anonymous poster may or may not have heard a scout say about some kid who may or may not make the NHL? I would hate to think you were taking this so personally when all you really are is a fan, and in no way connected to Fischer or his family on a direct level. Because that would be kind of sad, somebody getting all that worked up about people he doesn't even know.


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Apr 26, 2003
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When it comes to getting inside scoops from scouts he is. :)

Hmmm. Maybe THAT'S why you're so worked up. Green-eyed monster, anyone?


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