I’m wondering if the plan after WM is for Cena to take Bron’s title and be a double champion
They should do that, It's the only Main Roster title he hasn't won.
Hell I'd have him win the NXT title too.
You want to generate heat that's how you do that.
The NXT audience would HATE that.
OR and they won't do this but they have a relationship with TNA.
Have him show up in TNA and have him beat Joe Hendry for the championship, and not just beat him, BURY him.
Then have Rock and Cena come out on RAW AND SD and have them talk about now they rule EVERYTHING, Hollywood, the WWE, and now TNA, they rule EVERYTHING and seeing as The Rock isn't just the final boss but he's literally THE Boss NOBODY can stop them.
Have them recruit one or 2 more members say Drew and Maybe Punk.
And have a WWE/TNA alliance go against them.
And that would be.
The good guys do have 1 extra member but I didn't want to leave out Roman or Rollins.
Maybe have Hendry turn to give the heels the numbers advantage and have him say that he loved TNA, how he didn't WANT to turn on TNA but how TNA turned on him when NOBODY had his back when Rock and Cena beat his ass and left him a bloody mess.
Basically have it be the same reason Eric Bischoff gave for joining the NWO in 1996.
Which if you remember was he didn't want to be consumed by the power so he joined the power.
And that's why Joe Hendry joins, not because he wants to he truly doesn't he HATES The Rock and Cena and he makes that VERY clear.
But he knows he can't beat the power so he joins the power.