Big Church Bells
Last game we will see some of these guys in Rangers unis
Anyone else going?
Us and Detroit are pretty equal in terms of suck.
Anyone else going?
Us and Detroit are pretty equal in terms of suck.
Me too, never thought we would be in this situation though (albeit a must thing).I hope Jean has a great night, I've been looking forward to this one all season.
I was thinking about doing the same thing.I'm tempted to go for the ceremony and then leave.
What a joke. Using Spooner as the 4C.
He can also play the wing, Put him in Fasts position and Move McLeod to centerIt actually make sense. Where else would he play? Desharnais line actually looked ok last game.
That defense is a joke.Loving this lineup. That's not a complaint, I recognize the gravity of our situation.
I'm just marveling at these names.
Good to seee Alain as braindead as ever
Spooner should be playing higher imoWhat do you expect him to do? Team is in tank mode for most part.
What really are his options other than to put a lineup like this on the ice.
Doesn't bother me at all. Once Gorton said it was full on to the rebuild, you might as well go full throttle and play kids.