From 1954 to 1971, Montreal won 25% more regular season games than anyone else, almost 2.5 time the amount of playoff games as anyone else.
10 president trophy and 10 stanley cups
The median season once he became full time in 1955 for Beliveau career was a president trophy and a cup, that his hard to beat.
Some would have more diversity like Gretzky-Crosby being in an intl competition era, Crosby oceanic did really well when he was there, world junior did ok (silver and gold), Penguins 4 finals-3cups pretty much as good as it got during his era, senior team Canada did extraordinary after 2006.
Penguins as the second most regular seasons wins and the most playoff wins during his career (Bruins are virtually tie in both too, and the Caps in regular season wins before the end of the year)