Hey can we get some new wallpapers for the new season? Help get the excitement up more then normal.
bumping this guy's post.
Yeah, it's time.
Also, OT, I wish I hadn't wasted my username change going from Zetterqvist to Prustqvist. I want to do something entirely different now, but don't wanna make a new account just to change my name lmao.
I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to wallpapers, but I need to practice regardless -- if anyone has a request, just post the picture here, and I'll see what I can do with it.
Bingo, bango:
Awesome work, thank you!
If anyone could crank out a hi-res (1920x1080) Boyle one for me I would be much obliged.
Any particular pic you'd fancy?
i like it Phillip!