I have a request that I would REALLY like to see done. I'll kind of describe how I envision it and see if anyone is up to the challenge of tackling it. Obviously, feel free to deviate from my vision - I'm only providing it as inspiration for any artist who may decide to give it a shot; I don't expect you to adhere to someone else's blueprint when creating your own work. If I still had the adobe suite on my computer I'd try it myself, but all I've got for now is paint sadly.
Dubinsky and Callahan on opposite sides of the screen, perhaps with a background that has one color on Dubi's side and a different on Cally's or blends together with a nice effect somehow that just says HEART on Cally's side and SOUL on Dubi's side. The catch though, is that it can't be a corny or simple blue side/red side... it has to be one of those nice designs like blackscorpi consistently impresses with. Man, I wish I still had the software to do this kind of stuff... I'd pump out a wallpaper a week for you guys.
Anyhow, I think together these two exemplify the identity of the new New York Rangers and I hope they're BOTH career Rangers. They're truly heart and soul players that BLEED blue and I think they're THE heart and soul of this team (along with Hank, of course). People have always talked about Dubi's inconsistency, but he's just turned 24. He looks focused and hungry so far this year and I just don't think it's a fluke. I'm not delusional enough to think he'll keep up THIS pace, but I think this is the year he shows his true potential. Cally... no need to discuss Cally. He's the man. It's come up so many times, if one were to be traded, which would we rather lose, and while I've usually agreed Cally is more valuable, overall, I have NEVER been a fan of the idea of trading either. I think they should both be untouchable. They bring the most intensity and grit and heart of anyone on this roster and I have loved them both since the day they debuted in blue. Both jerseys are hanging on my wall and I hope to never see either of them don another in the NHL.