HahahahhaBuchnevich is a keeper? Where are all the people who cried when he got benched? All those scouts on here, where are they? Missed on that one didn’t ya? He stinks.
HahahahhaBuchnevich is a keeper? Where are all the people who cried when he got benched? All those scouts on here, where are they? Missed on that one didn’t ya? He stinks.
Almost like his new partner is helping him be better.Brady Skjei has been flying this first 20 min. very positive, and some smart plays as well.
HeS BaCk WiTh GiRaRdIVintage stinky McD in Tampa. LOL
And there is exhibit A on why no one should put any value on Carpinello’s insight.
Says the ONLY poster thats ever gotten a dislike on one of your posts.Posts are bang on.
Hey! That's insulting to Alain Vign...Carp is AV-caliber stupid.
Carp, when he had his blog,he acted like a know it all. Usually the know it alls end up looking the stupidest.Carp is AV-caliber stupid.
I like Duguay’s take on things.Vally and Duguay are angry
I hate that term. Makes the person using it sound like they’re 10. What’s trolling? Calling it like it is.Trolling the Islanders board and trashing Buchnevich isn't exactly bathing yourself in glory. You need a new shtick.
I just confronted Carp on twitter and he actually told me the pairing was good.
He genuinely thought the OP was being sarcastic since our defense has been so bad this year and twitter is overflowing with criticism.
Gerard Gallant is a made-man in the Western Conference this yearPanthers head coach looks like a made-man in the mafia.