I'm not going to bash Stepan because I understand that it's his right to try and get what HE FEELS he is worth. I AM on the other hand going to bash the people acting like Stepan is a proven #1 Center in this league when in reality he has only played like one for one half season. I'm not as sold on D-Step as seemingly everyone else on this board is. I think he's a very smart and responsible player with vision and skill, but he hasn't proven that he can be THAT player consistently over 82 games and his previous point totals speak to that.
It's just ridiculous to see people acting like he's a bonafide #1 C when the only reason he was in that position last season is because our actual proven #1 C was playing like a piece of poop all season.
And I'm saying this while Step is one of my favorite players in the league.
Well done! Your words ring true and are spoken like an objective hockey fan instead of a Ranger's fan wearing rose colored glasses.
Stepan is and porbably will never be any better than a 2nd line center on a team that has significant depth at the center position(that doesn't include the Rangers).
Stepan, while a very good all around player, doesn't possess a lot of God given talent like many other centers in the league and I believe his game can only grow so much before he hits a ceiling in his development.