In the third, up by 6 goals, the Ducks just sat back basically. They couldnt be bothered anymore by the look of it, they knew they had won.I saw in the boxscore that they apparently outplayed the Ducks in the third, but that literally means **** all.
At least now we play offence and have a nice guy at the press conferences. Torts knew this team can't play an offensive style game.
Oates had a few offensively gifted players.While this season start sucks beyond measure... a wise man on a Norwegian board said the following :
"Husk uansett dette: Adam Oates tok over Washington Capitals i fjor sommer, og hadde NHL-debuten som coach i januar. Etter 11 av fjorårssesongens 48 kamper (altså 23% av sesongen) lå Caps med brukket rygg og 1-8-2. De vant Southeastern Division."
Translated :
Anyway, remember this. Adam Oates took over the Washington Capitals last summer, and had his NHL debut as coach in January. After 11 of last seasons 48 games (23 percent of the season), the Caps were down 1-8-2 with a broken back. They won the SouthEastern Division.
Just some positive food for thought![]()
I was worried torts played the wdy he had them for that reason. They have time to get this fixed though. We had a this team sucks board then they got first in the east
Ive been a fan since 1993 but for some reason I don't even care about them anymore like I used to. Every year I am more and more uninterested just like they are. There are always options, Islanders![]()
Ive been a fan since 1993 but for some reason I don't even care about them anymore like I used to. Every year I am more and more uninterested just like they are. There are always options, Islanders![]()
good read here...
interesting to note Andrew Gross mentions in his article that he believes either kreider or miller will be called up today. It would not surprise me, I think you have to, this team is pitiful and needs something. Kreider will be a human wrecking ball out there I believe.
I didn't see the game. Someone please tell me that it's false that Asham took off his own helmet and took of his opponent's as well.
I don't want any prospect called up into this mess right now.
Kreider and Miller need to build confidence in Hartford. Neither is an answer right now.
Calling them up would be EXACTLY the kind of ass backwards, reactionary thinking that has gotten the team to this point. So 99% chance it happens. Just a bunch of clowns.