I have a feelin' Igor gets a shutout tonight.
She's twerkinshush orphan
Will you and Darko shhhhhhhush about an Igor shutout..
We don't want the hockey gods to think we are ever are feeling confident about anything.
Remember...we are all fatalistic fans.....lol
Strome's mum didn't do much better.
Strome's mum didn't do much better.
The Bobfather talking about Kreider is making me all warm and fuzzy inside.
The Blackhawk shooters look like they are fooling Shesty a little more than usual. Some rebounds getting away from him that usually don’t.Shesty is a wall. This has a shutout written all over it.
Take that shit too...Rangers appear to be asking for everything besides the owners 1st born
If we get 3 assets and and a conditional pick I will be happy