Rangers announce centennial season and logo

I like it. It blends the old and new into one logo. Always a fan of using the jersey numbers in this way, since the Rangers have an iconic number style.

As far as a 100th anniversary jersey, I think they need to do something like they did for the NHL's 75th anniversary, with a retro 1926-style jersey.
It's pretty dull, but 100th patches will always be 'traditional' plus the Rangers only have about 2 design styles so you couldn't really expect anything else.
Hopefully they do something good with the jersey, but it will probably be something like a a minor logo change and a lighter shade of blue
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I am an Art Director / Graphic Designer and I appreciate the thought process that has gone into it.

But I feel like this is one of those projects as a designer that I would not want.

The original logo sets from 1926-1947 looked like they were produced in Microsoft paint and the font is an extremely weak serif face.

Being forced to adapt a new commemorative logo from that starting point is... not fun. The idea of the 100 jersey lettering makes sense.

I'd love to see the other comps that were presented. Don't forget that when you look at final logo designs 50% of the time the designers best work is the first version thrown onto the cutting floor because the people who are ultimately approving the final design don't understand what they are looking at. I can't tell you how many times I've spent hours providing awesome logo solutions to clients only for them to ask for something very similar to what they already had or have something horrific in their head they want that has zero aesthetic presence.
I had an art director who used to taunt me with

*designed by client

Whenever I would change something
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Losing the 1st overall pick to Pittsburgh seems like a very Rongo way to celebrate our 100th year.
Boring ass logo but I’ll buy a jersey with the patch. Problem is I have no f***ing clue who I’d buy because half of them won’t even be here in 12-18 months
Yup. I never got myself a Fox jersey, and now It's not even safe to get one with the fan base turning on him. There's nobody safe right now that makes you say "This guy is definitely here for 3-4 years and I want his jersey." (Cuylle - maybe, if we're lucky)

In 12 months I won't have a single jersey from an active NYR player. And with the way some of these players are looking, it's going to be embarrassing wearing any of those jerseys when they leave the team. Guess I'll have to dig out my Zucc jersey...
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