Some defensive fumbles, especially the Sandin-Pelikka one(mother of god) and the 4thliners on the PK, but otherwise not a terrible first. Credit to Dower Nilsson for a pretty sweet assist on the 2nd goal. Hard to take to much from a game like this, but I hope for a strong effort to build on for Canada(?), a game we probably should win, but could fumble.
Man, TSN just harping on the Swedes 5-on-5 scoring even after they put up 2 more in the first against Latvia.
I kinda get it, it was to a point where you kinda wonder, and scoring against Latvia is not proof of anything(no offense, a weekend in Riga is amazing). But also, sample size is so small, and it's something we just won't know until the semis, so I don't get the point of keeping up the talking point before then.
The only actual worrisome part is the lack of consistent high-end skill individuals in my opinion. Scoring kind of has to bounce in with the style of "death by a thousand cuts", because we don't have that one player that will just dominate. Sandin-Pelikka can produce and Stenberg has some skills, but neither is game breaking. Will especially show if we make it to finals vs US. We will have to grind them to saltcorns.
Felix Nilsson would have been great to have in the top6 in this event. Great player to facilitate the wingers and having Forsfjäll on the 4th makes more sense for him and also makes rolling out the 4th not nightmare fuel against top teams.